Taking inspiration from nature. ^_^

in GEMS2 years ago

It's another rainy day here in my city and I'm writing here sitting in front of the window. Everything out of the windows looks so quiet and I can ear just the sound of the raindrops that are knocking on the glass of the window.
I like this kind of atmosphere, especially during my pause from work and if I can stay at home for a little.
This morning I started a new painting, but I have to finish and so I think I'll sow you my new piece tomorrow. In the meantime I'm here to talk about the way I use to take inspirations for my artwork.
You know I love to use my camera to fix the little things that catches my attention during my day. A corner of my city, a texture of an ancient wall and other image I can capture in my city, but the most part of the things that inspires my artworks come from nature.
I love to create "mood board" and to take pic of them, for me it's like to sketch an idea on a sketchbook and this is the one I created just yesterday:


Sometimes just a little raindrop on a plant could be a source of inspiration for me:


And what about those little yellow part of the ivy in this season?


A special shade of color, a form, everything could be a source of inspiration for me and my art and I'm grateful to Nature for all the treasures I can see (almost) every day in my life. ^_^

See ya soon and stay safe,

***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
Artfinder ( https://www.artfinder.com/silviabeneforti#/) and on Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/shop/vumap). I invite you to visit my NFT gallery on NFT Showroom (https://nftshowroom.com/silviabeneforti/gallery) ^_^ ****


Based on the title and on the first photo, I thought that you will do some art with those elements. I remember seeing someone using leaves to create drawings/paintings a few years ago, but currently I do not remember his/her name.

Sometimes I painted on the leaves I found around, but I remember seeing an user here (Like you, I son't remember the name) who created wonderful artworks with some simple leaves. ^_^

@tipu curate