I made healthy Bottle gourd curry recipe with shrimp fish

in GEMS3 years ago





Bottle gourd
Mustrad Oil
Green pepper
Red chilli paste
Garlic paste
Ginger paste
Cloves paste
Black cumin paste




At morning I I was down from the shed of my house. I captured selfie photography with bottle gourd .

Bootle gourd is very popular vegetable in the world . It is very delicious and healthy food .Most of people like this gourd .Bottle gourd contains in vitamins, important minerals and water as well as beneficial fiber. We can eat Bottle gourd different ways . Such as a vegetable curry, labra, vegetarian, bhaji, bara or salad.Bottle gourd leaves keeps our brain cool . It helps to solve sleep problems. Bottle gourd regulates our body temperature. Bottle gourd helps to keep heathy our skin. Bottle Gourd eliminates against constipation problems . It keeps our stomach to clean, as a result the tendency to get acne on the face is reduced a lot. Bottle gourd helps for losing our weight . Bottle Gourd has a lot of dietary fiber and very few calories and fats which is very helpful in losing weight.


Bottle gourd protects our blood cholesterol. It is very good for heart it prevents against diabetics disease . This gourd increase our digestion power . Bottle gourd contains a lot of soluble and insoluble fiber and water. It helps against constipation, flatulence and acidity. In a word it is very healthy and nutritive food.


At first I had washed shrimp fish with water .After sometimes I had cut fish . I had mix tumeric and salt in shrimp fish.


After cutting Bottle gourd from gourd tree, I had taken preparation for making this recipe . I had cut Bottle gourd . After that I had removed gourd shells .


At first I had fried shrimp . After sometimes I had fried bottle gourd . I had provided water after frying gourd in pan. When gourd became boil , i had given shrimp in pan. Thus I had boiled sometimes with all elements . Finally I had made bottle gourd curry recipe with shrimp.


It is very delicious and tasty recipe . It is a homemade recipe . It is very easy recipe . Everyone can try this recipe . I love this recipe so much .

Phone camera : Mi A1
Cooker : @simaroy
Capture by @simaroy

Regards @simaroy


Excellent post @simaroy, it looks delicious.

@mirla33 friend .Thanks.