Mistakes ARE Nothing BUT THE SUMMATION Of Your EXPERIENCE !! | #IAmAlive #hiveisalive | DAY - 90 |

in GEMS4 years ago

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Hey guys,

I'm back here with another video for you all and this one is gonna be my contribution for the #IAmAliveChallenge initiated by @flaxz.

Thanks for stopping by :)

I'll Be Back With Another Video Soon :)

Come And Be a Part of the #IAmAliveChallenge !!



I'll be back again with another video soon :)

Bbye :)

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Mistakes definitely are something regarding which a lot of people do happen to have some misunderstandings.


And that misunderstanding must be pushed out in order to push us ahead :)

Every mistake we commit is a lesson that's gonna help us not committing the same one again which is a great way to grow ahead !

Yeah, if we're committing it again then maybe we haven't got it properly the first time.

Well, yeah we must be giving in efforts in learning more from them as it is something which's gonna be effectively helpful throughout our life.

For sure, they're gonna help us learn a lot of things which if we implement properly would yield amazing results !