
Very well said!

Interestingly, We recently had a conversation about this topic in another server.
I grew up a in a Town which has a lot of Kokkan Catholics, went to a convent school where they were a majority.
So Naturally they ended being my friends.
In their culture, it is a very normal thing to start with drinking when they reach high school. If you go to any of the go to any of the weddings or parties you will see everyone holding a glass in their hand.
Being in this environment, I got into drinking early during my 10th grade.
Became like every week end thing.

Back during those days , I used to easily succumb to this pressure.
No one used to beg me to drink.
My friends are good people, but I used to easily give in.
I even enjoyed some of these times.
Just that I on occasions, I drank with discomfort of being left out.

Things changed now, I reduced drinking to make it a yearly or 2wice in a year thing
Feel so good about this.

snip 4.PNG

Interesting story @backpackingmonk. :)) Thanks for sharing it. Good that you don't drink because of the peer pressure now. We tend to do things which are happening normally in our environment or a part of our culture. This shouldn't make someone feel forced to do something. It has to be an individual's choice at the end of the day!