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RE: It's all so unreal / Es ist alles so unwirklich

in GEMS4 years ago

My first comment on hive and it is on such a beautiful post, well the photos are beautiful of course, maybe the subject of the virus not so much so, but you summed up things so well an unseen enemy is always harder to gight

Hive on my friend


Thanks JJ for letting me be the first and for your kind words :)

I miss Steemworld and of course I do miss SteemReply here ... I'm completely lost, but let's give it a try and hive on ;)

Ohh yeah I am a bit lost, and getting confused over which page I am on LOL

I am more than lost - I have just made my replies on SteemReply and wanted to make replies on, but that didn't work. So I try to reply on PeakD which might function ;)

I have just read a comment which used the word "messy", and I think this word matches the overall situation very well - I mean the situation online on the blockchains as well as the situation offline.

Have a great day my friend and take care.

Messsy seems such an apt word for so much that is going on right now

Yes, it is ;)
I just drove through our city - it's like a ghost town, I could see only a few cars and even less people.