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RE: Thoughts on Contributions to Hive

in GEMS4 years ago

What a great and factually correct message! What you describe isn't a platform. It's a society. Indeed, we are all part of society, from sagging wall taggers to City dandies in formal attire, and Hive would be less were any of us not part of it.

I am grateful to you for your hard, diligent work and perseverance.



I think you've had a bit to much to drink tonight.

I am giddy because of being restored to Hive.

Who un-stored you so to speak? Were you abandon by the great god and goddesses of Hive and have to swoop down like Aladdin on a magical carpet bowing in pose to be accepted back?

Because I kludged Keychain into Opera, a browser for which it is not written, I have had to switch browsers after the HF. At present the latest Keychain app does not function properly with Opera, and I was unable to interact with the chain for several days during and after the HF, until I changed browsers.

So in other words technical difficulties.

I was wondering if you had some time in the near future to do some more editing along the lines of what you did for the Whitepaper?

It is little enough, but if you ask and I can, I will.