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RE: Fall sick during lockdown

in GEMS β€’ 4 years ago

A roast chicken caused it πŸ€”. I wonder how come no one smelled or tasted it. Salmonella should be killed if it's roasted.
I only felt terrible sick after eating spare ribs. I didn't eat it since years. Tried it again same story. Someone told me I might be allergic to the spices used. It was the last time I ate it.

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Not too sure. They didn't taste spoiled either. But that's all we can suspect on, since the little boy didn't eat chicken, and he's the only one didn't get a bad stomach.

How about the drinks? Water or something else? Ice cream is a good one too or other desserts... Even if you eat the same it doesn't need to be the same (spoiled) stuff.
At least your intestines are cleaned now and you could use the toilet paper. πŸ˜πŸ’•

I've been using my fingers for years πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

You ate your fingers? πŸ€”

More or less yes πŸ™ˆ eat or wipe butt. But we eat with right hand, wipe butt with left hand. It's a custom thing in this region.

I think it's a worldwide habit. πŸ’•