Mi vida universitaria / My college life.

in GEMS4 years ago (edited)


Buenos días comunidad de gems, el día de hoy quiero compartir con ustedes, algo que siempre o la mayoría de las personas nos ha ocurrido, y es el adaptarse al cambio radical, de entrar a la universidad por primera vez. Esta es mi experiencia personal sobre la universidad.

Good morning gems community, today I want to share with you, something that always or most people have happened to us, and that is to adapt to the radical change, to enter university for the first time. This is my personal experience about college.

Mi historia comienza así, hace aproximadamente 5 años y 4 meses, mi vida dio un giro de 360°, estaba entrando en otra etapa de mi adolescencia, fue un cambio radical para mi, el cambiar de un ambiente a otro, y el cambiar tu entorno de comodidad, el no tener amigos con quien poder conversar y muchas cosas mas. Unos meses atrás estaba en un salón de clases, con mis amigos, personas con las que compartí 5 años de bachillero, y tiempo después estaba rodeado de completos desconocidos.

My story begins like this, about 5 years and 4 months ago, my life took a 360° turn, I was entering another stage of my adolescence, it was a radical change for me, changing from one environment to another, and changing your comfort zone, not having friends to talk to and many other things. A few months ago I was in a classroom, with my friends, people with whom I shared 5 years of high school, and time later I was surrounded by complete strangers.



La primera semana todo fue un poco raro, a duras penas cruzábamos palabras entre nosotros, siempre había un grupito de conocidos que habían estudiado en el mismo colegio, o eran vecinos, pero en mi caso no conocía a nadie. Todo cambio cuando uno de nuestros profesores nos envió como tarea hacer nuestra presentación (Muy parecido al caso de Hive), todos prepararon su presentación, que carrera universitaria cursaban y por que?.
Al día siguiente, todos nos presentamos, conocimos muchas cosas de nuestros compañeros, y desde ese momento se rompió el hielo en el salón de clases, muchos comenzaron a preguntarme, ¿Y practicas motrocross?, ¿Haces circuitos?, por que en mi presentación les explique que esos eran mis gustos. Pasaron los días, y la verdad eramos muy apegados, salimos como grupo a comer helados, nos sentábamos todos juntos en el comedor, se imaginan aproximadamente 30 personas sentadas juntas?.

The first week everything was a little strange, we hardly exchanged words with each other, there was always a small group of acquaintances who had studied at the same school, or were neighbors, but in my case I did not know anyone. Everything changed when one of our teachers sent us as an assignment to make our presentation (very similar to the case of Hive), everyone prepared their presentation, what university career they were studying and why?
The next day, we all introduced ourselves, we knew many things about our classmates, and from that moment the ice broke in the classroom, many began to ask me, do you practice motocross, do you do circuits, because in my presentation I explained that those were my tastes. Days went by, and the truth is that we were very close, we went out as a group to eat ice cream, we sat all together in the dining room, can you imagine about 30 people sitting together?







Mi vida social se redujo dramáticamente, ahora mi horario se resumía en 10h en la universidad, 1 hora de almuerzo, 4h de estudio en casa, la cena y a dormir para repetir la rutina. Así fue por los siguientes meses, claro siempre en la temporada de exámenes, el resto de los días del semestre eran menos ocupados, mis mejores amigos pasaron a ser las materias cursada, Calculo, Química, Dibujo, Ingles, entre otras.

My social life was reduced dramatically, now my schedule was summarized in 10h at the university, 1 hour for lunch, 4h for home study, dinner and sleep to repeat the routine. This is how it was for the following months, of course always during the exam season, the rest of the days of the semester were less busy, my best friends became the subjects I took, Calculus, Chemistry, Drawing, English, among others.





Recuerdo que siempre al finalizar los exámenes parciales, salíamos a comer para celebrar, los que habían aprobado esos exámenes eran los mas contentos, pero los que no también lo estaban jaja, pues estábamos compartiendo y distrayéndonos de todo el estrés de la universidad. Incluso yo recuerdo, que muchos salíamos llorando de los exámenes de Calculo, por que en mi universidad es la materia mas exigente, y solo el el 10% de un salón de clases aprueba esa materia, es una estadística fija de mi universidad.

I remember that always at the end of the midterm exams, we would go out to eat to celebrate, those who had passed those exams were the happiest, but those who had not also passed haha, because we were sharing and distracting ourselves from all the stress of the university. Even I remember that many of us cried when we went out to take our calculus exams, because in my university it is the most demanding subject, and only 10% of a class passes that subject, it is a fixed statistic of my university.


También si teníamos la oportunidad y el tiempo de salir, lo hacíamos un rato para compartir, era algo que hacíamos con poca frecuencia, pero era necesario.

Also if we had the opportunity and the time to go out, we would do it for a while to share, it was something we did not do very often, but it was necessary.



Personalmente puse mi alma al estudio, hubo noches en las que no dormí, semanas en la que mi meta era estudiar para aprobar, hacia todas las tareas, no dejaba acumular ninguna, ya estábamos finalizando, y siempre creo que es ley que los estudiantes de ingeniería salvamos el semestre 2 semana antes que se termine. La materia mas difícil para mi, fue calculo y dibujo, aun así ponía todo mi empeño en poder aprobar.

I personally put my soul into studying, there were nights when I didn't sleep, weeks when my goal was to study to pass, I did all the assignments, I didn't let any of them accumulate, we were already finishing, and I always believe that it is a law that we engineering students save the semester 2 weeks before it ends. The most difficult subject for me was calculus and drawing, but I still put all my effort in being able to pass.




Al finalizar el semestre todo era alegría, habíamos aprobado la mayoría de las materias, pero como mencione antes la estadística es que solo el 10% de la sección aprobaría calculo l, y yo no entre en esa estadística, solo 7 de 50 estudiantes de mi salón aprobaron esta materia, no me sentí triste, al contrario, estaba alegre por todo lo que pude hacer, siendo tan malo en matemáticas di lo mejor de mi al igual que mis compañeros. El semestre culmino y allí tuvimos nuestras merecidas vacaciones, siempre estuve en contacto con mis amigos, siempre salíamos, y bueno conversábamos para saber con que profesor cursaríamos las siguientes materias.

At the end of the semester everything was happy, we had passed most of the subjects, but as I mentioned before the statistic is that only 10% of the section would pass calculus I, and I did not enter that statistic, only 7 of 50 students in my class passed this subject, I did not feel sad, on the contrary, I was happy for all I could do, being so bad in math I gave my best as well as my classmates. The semester ended and there we had our deserved vacations, I was always in contact with my friends, we always went out, and well we talked to know with which teacher we would take the next subjects.

Con esto me despido, pero mas adelante quiero contarles mi actual experiencia, ya no como estudiantes de materias de Estudios básicos, si no como estudiante de Especialidad del 6to semestre de Ing. Electrica.
Un saludo a toda la comunidad de gems, nos vemos en un siguiente post.

With this I say goodbye, but later I want to tell you about my current experience, not as a student of Basic Studies, but as a Specialty student of the 6th semester of Electrical Engineering.
A greeting to all the community of gems, see you in a next post.


¡Recibe Nuestro Apoyo Directo!

En el @Nucleo-fse estamos empeñados en acompañarte y facilitar tu experiencia Criptográfica.

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Ánimo Bro,saludos

Have fun in this university period, @wesp05. It's very useful and will teach you so many lessons (not just in terms of studies, but for life).

I totally agree, they're my best life experiences, it's made me grow up.

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