Discovering Your Spirit Animal

in GEMS4 years ago


I became aware of the term spirit animal from watching movies and reading books. Is it a real thing? I can't say I'm that spiritual but what I do know is humans share similar traits with animals. We're all animals aren't we? People have a misconception of what spirit animals are. It's often seen as animals you share similar traits with. Reason why people say,

"I'm nothing like a snake",

"I'm more of a cat" after a spirit animal quiz. But the concept of Spirit animal is beyond personality traits.

"In certain spiritual traditions or cultures, spirit animal refers to a spirit which helps guide or protect a person on a journey and whose characteristics that person shares or embodies. It is also metaphor, often humorous, for someone or something a person relates to or admires."


Spiritual guides could come in several forms like a voice, or a human spirit form, heck, even a fairy godmother. They also come in form of animals. Spirit animals not only share certain traits with you but also serve as a guide especially in uncertainties. They can be the voice of reason, the intuitive lead and play symbolic roles. The spirit animal might have all the traits totally opposite of what you are in the actual sense but your spirit animal may just be the real you in hiding.

Your spirit animal is probably what you need to gain a little more confidence and face life head on with ease. Now you can find your spirit animal in the following ways.


Always seeing a particular animal in your dreams? Are the dreams positive or negative? Does the animal hurt you or guide and protect you? Well, if you have a particular animal following you around teaching you in your dreams, that's probably your spirit animal.

Physical encounters

Think about the repetitive encounters with a particular animal. Do you have think of a deer and suddenly see on run past you? Encountering the same animal is over and over is another sign they might be your spirit animal.

Feeling a strong connection

Take note of animals you always had connections for or deep feelings. Animals you are drawn to and they are drawn to you also.

Sharing Similar Traits

This is the very common way to find out your spirit animal. Watch out for animals you share similar personality traits with. The eating patterns, habits and social behavior can be a determinant. For example, a lion is a protector and a wolf is intuitive. Some animals are introverts, others very sociable.


There are a lot of quizzes that can help you figure out your spirit animal, why not try one today?

In the course of life, one's spirit animal can change and it's possible to have more than one at a time. Delve into the world of spirit animals today.

What's yours?


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If I have a spirit animal, it would have to be house cat.

Why though? Are you sometimes mean and reserved? 😁

I'm wild somewhere deep inside, but extremely domesticated these days.


I didn't even know this animal exists 😂 I first thought it's a duck.

Cool post, I can't think of any positive animals from my dreams :/ Except for cute kittens once! Only negative, spiders, snakes etc.

I haven't heard of the loom either. So the question is are you strange or weird?

Snakes and spiders can be spirit animals too and in a good way 😁

Yeahh I was wondering about that too, what would snake or spider mean xD

Snake represents healing or life changes. Spiders are symbolic for power, mystery or patience.

I like those :) Thank you for letting me know