My stress free day

in GEMS3 years ago

Greetings to you all my fellow community members,i hope you all are good.

This is how my day went.

I woke up by 7'o clock in morning I was still filling weak so I went to the parlor to watch some movies. at 9'o clock in the I had to go brush my teeth and shower up after that I had to prepare my breakfast I already had rice in the fridge so I had to microwave it for some minutes cuz it was very cold.after eating my breakfast I had to wash my mum's cloth and tidy up her room.

There was light In the afternoon ,i was watching movies throughout later on my mum asked me to prepare okra soup and garri for our lunch.


In the evening I went downstairs to pick up the dried clothes I spread outside in the morning
i arrange the clothes and later went down to exercise my body and also take some fresh air under a lovely tress behind our house I feel so happy whenever am under the tress I forget all my worries and my heart it's always filled with joy of the wonderful things God has created.i tooth some few minutes walk around the house
finally I went to prepare noodles for myself
After eating i washed all the dirty dishes I then moved on to watch my movies.this was how i enjoyed my day cuz it was a really stress free day for me all I did was sleep,eat and watch movies I hope you find it interesting too.
thank you all for reading I appreciate.