Transformation from men's shirt to women's dress or blouse / Transformación de camisa de hombre a vestido o blusón para mujer.

in GEMS4 years ago

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Transformation from men's shirt to women's dress or blouse.

Today I want to show you how I transformed this men's shirt into a blouse or dress, with few implements and materials. Let us begin!.



*Needle and thread.



*Chalk for clothes.


We begin by marking with chalk the part of the sleeve that we are going to cut, I did it to an approximate measurement, since this particular shirt is for men and is much larger than my size. We cut both sleeves checking that they are as equal as possible.



Once both sleeves are cut, we proceed to sew the edges of the sleeves, so that it is neat and our dress looks beautiful, I used the pins and did the sewing by hand.



While doing this tutorial I received the news that my sewing machine had already been repaired !! And don't want to miss the opportunity to release it by making some small clips on the back of my new dress, since as I said before it is something big for me.

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And finally here you have it! I just combined it with a nice belt, who says we need a lot of money to dress beautifully?


I hope you liked it, I had a lot of fun doing it since sewing is undoubtedly one of my passions, until next time !!!

Kisses, Yeli 💋

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Transformación de camisa de hombre a vestido o blusón para mujer.

El dia de hoy quiero enseñarles como transformé esta camisa de hombre en un blusón o vestido, con pocos implementos y materiales. Empecemos!.



*Aguja e hilo



*Tiza para ropa


Comenzamos marcando con la tiza la parte de la manga que vamos a cortar, yo lo hice a una medida aproximada, ya que esta camisa en particular es de hombre y es mucho mas grande de mi talla. Cortamos ambas mangas checando que queden lo mas iguales posible.




Una vez cortadas ambas mangas procedemos a coser los bordes de las mangas, para que quede prolijo y nuestro vestido se vea bonito, yo utilicé los alfileres y realicé la costura a mano.



Mientras estaba realizando este tutorial recibí la noticia de que mi máquina de coser ya había sido reparada!! y no quiese dejar pasar la oportunidad de estrenarla realizando unas pequeñas pinzas en la espalda de mi nuevo vestido, ya que como dije anteriormente es algo grande para mi.

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Y finalmente aqui lo tienen! solo lo combiné con un bonito cinturón, quien dice que necesitamos mucho dinero para vestirnos lindas?


Espero que les haya gustado, yo me divertí mucho haciéndolo ya que coser es sin duda una de mis pasiones, hasta la proxima!!!

Besos Yeli 💋


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