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RE: Walpurgis Nacht (30th April) and Beltane (1st of May) celebrations, myths, legends and folklore | Mitos, leyendas y folklore sobre la noche de Walpurgis (30 de Abril) y Beltane (1 de Mayo) | [ESP-ENG]

in GEMS3 years ago

Oh my, what happened is that several days ago I started a post about Walpurgis which leads to Beltane but I craft slowly and date came and go, did not feel like being greedy and split into two posts with such short span if dates and believe me I edited parts out to make shorter, hope it is not too overwhelming lol


It's definitely not overwhelming lol. It's a lot of high quality informations and stunning visuals :)

Aw, thanks, I like folklore and legends and always been an influence on my work, I will not deny it took me a while so as grateful as I am for the votes, and I am indeed grateful when I get feedback from people actually reading. Thanks, it encourages 🐭❤