My 3D artworks... #203

in GEMS3 years ago

Digital Paintings...

My painting #203,

Hello friends,

In this post, I want to share the steps of painting number 203 with you. For this painting, I have used the programs Cinema 4D and ZBrush ...
What is in your mind when you look at this painting?
Everyone may have a different opinion ...
When I was painting this painting, I was thinking about what man was created for, what is the purpose of human creation? Do we all live as we should? Do we deserve to be human? Do we respect what God has placed in us? Is the comfort of others more important to us than our own comfort? Do we live for ourselves or for others?
I had thousands of questions in my mind and the result was this painting that you see, I hope you like it ...

and here is my artwork (Created by Cinema 4D):


and here you can see the process of this painting:

Screenshot (1669).png

Screenshot (1668).png

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Screenshot (1657).png

THANK YOU for your attention...

Stay Safe..


Nice painting Zhila 🙂

thank you Joe 💚