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RE: The Reset button was already pushed and the rest is smoke and mirrors... An Op/Ed

hehehe I was anxious to read this post! I apologize if I seem I bit passionate!
Great Reset haha So here we go.

Two things are facts to me:

  • The world as we know it is ending; the fraudemic was built with a bio-weapon to destroy the world's economy and the mighty middle class, China is probably gonna push for a WW3, and Biden Kamala WILL destroy the Dollar, as they already said that's their intent, via printing money, and by that generating inflation, and consequently creating massive destabilization in the world's greatest superpower. Who knows what will remain after that...

  • Some people just want SO BAD to stay sedated and just keep shoving the media's BS down with cement, it's incredible. The point is, we can't save everyone, some people just want to, voluntarily, jump into the meat-grinder and there's nothing we can do.

That said...

We CAN still help each other, find others who are also AWARE and PREPARE.
Being into crypto means we are at least a couple years ahead AWAKE-ness wise, which mean we are probably going go have a pretty good chance, but we must not procrastinate. If we wait for any of "confirmation", if that ever comes, it will be too late. Here in Brazil, lockdown is still in full effect, crime in the big cities is already starting to rise, people are hungry. It won't be long before things reach the point of no return. We must find help wherever we can and join forces to get out of big metropolitan areas, to become self-sufficient in resources like water, food, electricity and internet (Starlink). That and, might I add, to read The Book.

Thanks for the post! You've got the best gifs!! haha

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