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RE: Things to look for when you suspect that the label is not advertising the contents...

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Decided to get some sleep last night because this wasn't going anywhere and I saw on discord that one of regenerette's comments was deleted from one of my posts so it was time to call it a day.

You can do as you wish with your flags, I just don't understand what you mean by nuking. If you disagree with what's been said then fair enough, if it's being used as an attack method then that seems unsettling.
No idea how regenerette has perceived my messages to her but I've never meant to upset her in any way so decide on the victim card based on that.

The post was in Proof Of Brain after all and some genuine questions were presented. If the proof of brain mechanics are worth anything at all then digging deeper into someone's content to determine what legitimacy it holds should be commonly practised.

I returned to the blockchain about a month ago after some time away, about the same time regenerette joined. I was on Steem previously.

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Oh man I totally forgot about this.. lmao/

Yeah, don't worry about it fam I'm not going to flag nuke the fuck out of you.
I think it was partial trolling and partial misunderstanding with a bit of dickery if anything. Just try to not harass the poor lady any more than necessary and we're golden.

Nice to see a fellow steem refugee on here. All of my asshattery posting was strictly business and I hold no grudge against you or your buddy so long as everyone isn;t being dinks basically. All is well that ends well, or something.

Cheers man.

All is well that ends well, or something.

Couldn't agree more. Definitely no intended dinkish behavior meant.

Take it easy, cheers.

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