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RE: Solutions Not Problems

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

it would be good to guide users to make correct use of the community and do not feel that they are wasting time placing posts that are not liked by the public

In my opinion, this is like the "test" of Proof Of Brain. What can you bring to the table? Show us. There are opportunities out there to help newcomers get familiar with the platform and we have a great crowd who are willing to answer any questions.

If we hand hold people, they'll never think for themselves and figure out the true essence and benefits that the Proof Of Brain platform can bring.

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I understand that this point of view is correct, being dependent can be a key point. in the same way I will be attentive to what happens regarding this next great event. I would be encouraged to apply my name to be an active part of the project, but this is not the right time for me.

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