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RE: The point is moooot. (says the cow)

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I appreciate it very much! hahahahaha

Yeah - we had a very interesting year on another platform with HUGE highs, HUGE lows, and some seeds planted for very cool things. Will be launching our little project in 10 days. normally i'd be all dreemie hype and cheer and yeahhhhhhhhhhh its gonna be awesome!!!

but - the theme here is... "different" hehehe

we are doing everything... different. so... kinda low key. organic, slow, steady natural growth (hopefully!!!) but building stuff to last, for the community, for us, for crypto, for fun, for integrity, and for the win/win/win/win.

I'm terrified. completely terrified.

but a little at a time, we just keep taking steps forward. and that's all that we can do, right? hehehehe