Newspaper August 16, Children's Day on skates || Diario 16 de Agosto, Día del niño sobre patines

in Proof of Brain2 years ago (edited)

I am proud to share part of the celebration we have experienced for Children's Day.

I am proud to share part of the celebration we have experienced for Children's Day.



Mi hija @kurkumita nos inspira a ser perseverantes, un ejemplo que con constancia ha logrado el primer puesto en una competencia hace unas semanas.

My daughter @kurkumita inspires us to persevere, an example that has consistently achieved first place in a competition a few weeks ago.

También nos enseña acerca de la perseverancia en cuanto a sus publicaciones, hoy está muy feliz por su logro de haber adquirido su propio teléfono, agradecida también a su abuela @gracerolón por la iniciativa y su papá @jhelbich por el apoyo.

He also teaches us about perseverance in terms of his publications, today he is very happy for his achievement of having acquired his own phone, he is also grateful to his grandmother @gracerolón for the initiative and his father @jhelbich for the support.



Hemos compartido un lindo agasajo y reconocimiento por parte de los profesores de la escuela de patín y el Intendente de la ciudad.

We have shared a nice treat and recognition by the teachers of the skate school and the Mayor of the city.


¡Un abrazo! ❤

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Elizabeth González