in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)
Hello my dear friends, today I want to talk to you about an advertising strategy that although it is a little more than a decade old is really innovative, versatile, accessible and especially allows customers to interact with the brands that are their favorites or that they are aware of, I am referring to advergaming.


The advergaming is an advertising strategy framed or rather originated from the information and communication technologies, it is developed within digital marketing and aims not only to capture the customer's attention, but in turn it is about creating a relationship of interactivity with the customer, it is the mixture between entertainment and advertising content. In this sense, it is about advertising in video games. There are two types three major classifications of this type of advertising strategy:

Around-game advertising which is the placement of advertisements of a brand or product outside the video game but in strategic places so that the brand is exposed to the user most of the time. These use banners, spots or windows that appear at certain times during the game with the brand's advertising. In this case, it is about exposure of an advertisement in a video game and not about the relationship between the video game and the brand, therefore, this type of advertising has fallen into disuse, and studies show that this type of advertising is not very effective.


In-game adversiting this type of strategy already inserts the brand in the game, with it a certain interaction between the brand and the user is achieved, specifically in this type of strategy the game developers place the brand in strategic places within the path or development of the game, such as doors, fences, a bridge that must be crossed, the window of a building that must be climbed or as the key in the solution of a challenge within the game. It is then a mechanism of interaction with the customer, through this is achieved to record in the user's memory everything related to the brand.

Advergamig this I must confess is my favorite, when I started in digital marketing studies I was shocked as advertising had been transformed to make use of the tools that technology put at your service, currently the most prominent brands have a strong and viral advertising strategy in advergaming, this develops an exclusive video game for the brand as in the case of Hot Wheels race cars and advergaming the Hot Wheels "Announcement trailer, The Domino's Pizza chain with its Domino's Pizza Hero and Pepsi with Pepsiman are also examples, these major brands worldwide have based their revenues on attracting a very young audience through video games, These are constituted as a two-way communication strategy where the user experiences the brand in virtuality and wants to try it in reality as in the case of Domino's Pizza advergaming where you can prepare a pizza on your cell phone with all the ingredients of your choice and then the same game tells you which is the nearest Domino's establishment where you can purchase your pizza already designed by you from the game.

This new space of virtual advertising is really the future of everything that surrounds us, because we are talking about virtual realities that can be our own reality through the different brands and products and the experiences they provide. We have already seen how the work has focused on virtuality, now advertising opens a new space, because in advergaming the new strategy is to create virtual realities where customers have their avatars within the world of the brand and an organized community as with other advanced video games.

