Selling What People Need versus Selling What You Want

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I must admit, I never managed to become a business owner not just because I lacked capital. I was a dreamer. And I always wanted to invent something or want to sell something that I want and not was interested in finding out what people want. This is one of the biggest mistake people make and never able to build or create business.

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So what is the problem in selling what you want?

Selling What You Want

When you sell what you want, you are focused on your own interest. So matching of the customers interest to your interest would take the universe conspiracy to make a sell. Here everything would be random. And you have no control over who you are going to be matching up against. It's like you are ugly and need matching on tinder with entire universe. I can make even better examples, but you get the extreme idea of this.

Selling What People want

When you sell what people want, you try to figure out how many and to whom you can make the sell. And that would set the direction for the sales. You would likely to make more sales per day and in turn you would be in much better position for the sales and overall market performance. Your life would change as the cashflow and overall money comes your way. And you have more options and more growth chances in this approach. You make better output and reach more better stages in life.

Based on these two ideas you can gauge where do you stand when it comes to reaching the success. And you would also learn what not to do in the life in order to make the proper sales in the process.


In order to be good at selling the basic thing you have to understand is that you have to sell what other people want. That is the road to the success. You cant become millionaire by selling what you want. That is betting against the universe who is not yet in alignment with you.

How would you choose - selling what you want versus what people want?


That is just the truth, alot of people are selling what their actually want and not what the people want..and when you are selling what you want it shows you are willing to buy you product by your self..

for anyone to success in a business you must sell what the people like so their can patronise your product

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