We Deal With Difficulties Differently

in Proof of Brain3 years ago


A lot is written and talked about in books, on television, in Youtube videos and in blog posts and on social media about how we can overcome difficulties.

Financial, professional and personal difficulties. It seems that suddenly everyone has the "secret of happiness". Digital influencers, book authors and other "happiness gurus" draw crowds, followers with the talk that they have the "happiness formula" and know how "you can overcome your difficulties today", whatever they may be.

But, the reality is different.

Each person is a story, an experience. We are unique beings, individuals with different life stories, families and opposing cultures. Only we know where "the shoe tightens" and it "presses" differently on each foot. No "foot" is equal to another.

Each person has their time. Some people are unfazed by difficulties, are fearless, courageous, and quickly overcome the difficulties that arise in their lives.

Others don't. Some people take time to process the difficulty, to think of ways to get out of it, they get negatively infected when their efforts to overcome this difficulty do not work, and if they do not have support from family or friends, they can fall into depression. Here is where the danger is.

The difficulty or overcoming it cannot be generalized, but individualized. It takes a lot of emotional intelligence, tranquility and peace of mind to deal with it.

Good Weekend Everyone!

Source IMG