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RE: Be Original Be True - Let Your Content Stand The Test Of Originality

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Besides, no topic is truly original, I would like to think everything on Earth has been written about in one way or the other.

This reminds me of the good lessons from Austin Kleon's Steal Like an Artist. Being original is not always about pioneering a new technique or discovering something new.

When you are original you don't have to bother checking your writing with plagiarism detection tools.

Nope. You still need to check. I routinely do it on my write up despite a write up is too personal.

You don't have to put a banner saying this content has been checked for plagiarism and found to be original.

Yes, we don't need to label our work none plagiarize and original. We let the audience judge if it is.

!discovery 15


@juecoree I need to read this book Austin Kleon's Steal Like an Artist I have already put that on my to be read list. Thank you. Sounds very interesting.
In academic research we used to say rob from a hundreds and it is research rob from one and it is plagiarism.

Nope. You still need to check. I routinely do it on my write up despite a write up is too personal.

I did this for the last 12 years of my life , this year I just let go. Hmm maybe I will do it randomly to see if I catch anything.
Thanks for reading and the feedback. Much appreciated.