Proof Of Brain - How to Get Some

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Proof Of Brain Census

The proof of brain concept which is a hive-engine token, had no ICO, no mining. The founder got one staked POB token to start and has been voting. Now many of us have thousands and we can up-vote for thousands once we stake them.

The only way to get POB tokens is to blog for them. You cannot buy them on the exchange. If Satoshi Nakamoto wants to have as much POB as me he will have to post on this platform.

There has been some confusion I think about posting to the POB community. I don't think a tag 'proofofbrain' is enough. You need to actually post on the site. Or I think it would be the "hive-150329" tag.

Like early Bitcoin you cannot buy your way in, you have to earn your way in. If not by posting by accepting Proof of Brain for services. Anyone want to buy or sell a pizza with 10,000 POB?

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