
This is a bad look for pob...procede with ⚠️ yeah thanks Facebook...


I guess I could modify the source code such that this 'proceed with caution' only displays if the POB payout value calculates to negative.

Maybe just ditch it all together...the downvotes are malicious personal attacks that have nothing to do with the quality of the content. I am getting them too.

POB benefits from this, it is one of the main reasons I've shifted my focus from hive to pob, but the last thing I want to see are warning notices legitimizing this downvote bullshit

If i start getting downvoted on pob as well i might really pop a cork! Downvoting kills platforms.

And I really don't want to see my posts on POB coming up with this notice:


lol - He's so 'out to lunch' to even know what day of the week it is, never mind see whats going on.

Ridicule is best thought of as a slow 'drip', 'drip', 'drip' of truth, presented in a dark humor.

The effects might not be too obvious, but the eventual embolism, destruction of relationships, and decay, is...

Only ever use against evil - 'cos karma is a bitch ( she can also reward very well when it's used appropriately ).