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RE: Purge Yourself, II.

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

This is really cool. It is one of the things you need right now:

Make a choice to be determined with your life. Cut off some people if you have to and back it up with actions, not just words. Let go of toxic relationships, let go of those who you feel drag you back - those who fuel your weaknesses more rather than help your strength. Choose to surround yourself with positive energy and people so you can stay motivated to achieve all there is for you to achieve.

Thank you, thank you very much for writing this that came to me at the right time. God knows what one needs 😉🌸.


I am glad this came at the right time and it means a lot to know that too. It's a choice we have to make as humans...our association matters.

Sí es amigo @olawalium, tienes toda la razón. Pensé que había perdido tu post. Todavía no se me hace facil volver a través de publicaciones que ya he visitado. Gracias por escribirme para devolverme a tu publicación, te lo agradezco mucho y espero que tengas un lindo día! 🌸😎

Estoy muy contento de tenerte aquí. Muchas gracias por su amabilidad. Estoy muy agradecido.

good me too!!
