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RE: Sex Education #3: The Million Dollar Explanation for Why Men and Women Don't Chase Sex at the Same Rate

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

Hahah. No downsides at all, man, the future is even going to be better when women would be perfectly free - as free as men are. I'm almost saddened that I might be dead by then.

Your approach to understanding this issue is quite logical, do you think it is supposed to supersede what I've written in this post or did you just want to give an interesting alternate angle?


or did you just want to give an interesting alternate angle?

You indeed gave a million dollar explanation ,.. indeed upbringing and culture ,.. i just explained a possible reason , on , Why ? it is upbringing and culture .
Did you know most west EU country's give this freedom in the form of daily pill's to woman for free ,.. from young age on . I do not believe in free rides ,.. so still looking for the downside ,.. witch somewhere there must be .
Ho' when you ever visit west EU ,.. don't drink the water ,... it might grow you boobs , because they can't filter the freedom pill out of their water circulation systems . ;-)

Damn, I never knew of these pills and water stuff, 😟

Then for downsides, I don't see any myself too.

Well what about , it's gone to far ,.. like boys wanna be girls ,.and girls wanna be boys . Or worse , identifying oneself as a non gender object or creature .
Not that i plead for laws to stop it , for everyone should be free to choose as they want . Just let me keep my choice to pass when it enters my direct surroundings . ;-)