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RE: Things to look for when you suspect that the label is not advertising the contents...

You be you.

This stems from a day some charlatan tried to sell some kind of strange powder you're supposed to eat, and once digested, was supposed to cure people, of anything. His post was boosted to the top of trending, without any indication the slot was paid for with bots, creating the illusion of a 'popular' post. So I just did a parody. Everyone knew what I was talking about (except for spaced out Sunlit who was still pouting that day).

I was frustrated that day. Converted it into laughs. If I see what I think is stupid, I take that as a challenge to be even stupider.

Good times.


Oh, I agree - humor is an excellent vehicle in which to deliver the message. (depending on who's listening).

It's no coincidence that a sense of humor is noticeably lacking in, shall we say - certain parts of the IQ demographic.
There's very good reasoning behind as to why this is the case.

I know what you mean.

You know he ended up being a real asshole. He was funny at first but if you used humor back...well I'll tell yeah, I have no idea how he produced humor because he sure lacks it. He'd get mean, ugly and offended. As usual his so called parody lacked any reference as such from him or the comments, the whole article reeked of his what became his same usual mundane stuff, like he was suffering brain drain, or definitely was fresh off ideas. He wouldn't cause me to go off pouting anyplace, not with his demeanor, anyone would be glad to take a hike. Now if Taz talked to me like that, as he tends to be a bit straight laced when it comes to humor, when I happen to go over and poke a bit of fun with him, then I'd probably go off and pout.....that's because he's gained my respect, but he at least tries to understand where I am coming from and it was just a bit of humor, plus he never seems to come up empty with interesting stuff to talk about. Not that I read all his stuff but he once in awhile will post something that critiques my interest.
Now that you've insulted me I am not going to go off and pout but I will go off being offended. I don't hold close to your intellectual intellect but humor transcends intellect. Maybe I'll be back once I am not offended anymore but I doubt it.