Let us seek God while he can be found || Busquemos a Dios mientras pueda ser hallado [ENG/ESP]

in Proof of Brain7 months ago
Authored by @Pdc


Good afternoon to all friends, may God greatly bless each of you.
Continuing with the book of Proverbs of the sacred scriptures, below I share with you the text chosen today.

Then they will call me, and I will not answer; They will look for me in the morning, and they will not find me. Because they have hated wisdom, And have not chosen the fear of the Lord, Nor have they desired my counsel, And have despised all my rebuke, They shall eat the fruit of their way, And shall be satisfied with their own counsels.

Proverbs 1:28-31


The passage teaches about the importance of seeking and valuing wisdom and the fear of God early on, rather than ignoring them until it is too late. Wisdom offers her guidance and correction, but if people constantly reject her, they will eventually face the consequences of their own decisions without the help they spurned.
This theme aligns with the overall message of the book of Proverbs, which is a call to live a life of wisdom, righteousness, and fear of God to experience a full life and avoid the suffering that results from foolishness and sin.

Buenas tardes a todos amigos, que Dios les bendiga grandemente a cada uno de ustedes.
Siguiendo con el libro de Proverbios de las sagradas escrituras a continuación les comparto el texto elegido en el día de hoy.

Entonces me llamarán, y no responderé; Me buscarán de mañana, y no me hallarán. Por cuanto aborrecieron la sabiduría, Y no escogieron el temor de Jehová, Ni quisieron mi consejo, Y menospreciaron toda reprensión mía, Comerán del fruto de su camino, Y serán hastiados de sus propios consejos.

Proverbios 1:28-31


El pasaje enseña sobre la importancia de buscar y valorar la sabiduría y el temor de Dios desde el principio, en lugar de ignorarlos hasta que sea demasiado tarde. La sabiduría ofrece su guía y corrección, pero si las personas la rechazan constantemente, eventualmente enfrentarán las consecuencias de sus propias decisiones sin la ayuda que despreciaron.
Este tema se alinea con el mensaje general del libro de Proverbios, que es un llamado a vivir una vida de sabiduría, justicia, y temor de Dios para experimentar una vida plena y evitar el sufrimiento que resulta de la necedad y el pecado.



Best wishes. How are you brother.

Thank you, well thank God, standing firm in the hands of God.
God bless you

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Matthew 7:21 (WEB)

This looks like a lazy AI-generated post, too.

That's right, what needs to be clarified is that not by doing God's will you enter heaven, only Jesus Christ is enough, everything else is a consequence of the degree of intimacy that each one has with God.
Regarding AI, I can't say anything, the word of God has only one true explanation and it is through the Holy Spirit that we achieve that explanation.
God bless you.