A Quick Trip To Gormenghast

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Well I somehow seem to have dragged my sick ass outta bed long enough to throw something together. Seem to have a rather harsh case of man flu.

I'm currently grateful (Probably not as grateful as you are) for the fact smell-o-vision hasn't been invented yet, as I pong of fever sweat. Not to mention I've spent the last 24 hours or so between the bed and praying in Technicolor to the Porcelain God, so I'm fairly sure I aint smellin so great.

Which my lovely wife has confirmed, and apparently I look worse than I smell so guess it cant be all bad.

So far I haven't shat myself yet so I guess that's a small victory.

Anyway, where was I?

Oh yeah the topic for todays post.

My Favourite Book-

More of a recommendation than a review.


Well Technically I guess it should be favourite series of books, Gormenghast is my all time favourite series period. Written by Mervyn Peake it consists of Titus Groan, Gormenghast and Titus Alone.

He died while working on the 4th, Titus Awakes which his wife wrote or finished for him (Or in his memory) based on his notes.

It wasn't re-discovered until 2009 and then published in 2011, rather fittingly 100 years after Mervyn Peakes Date of birth.

There's a lot more to the story, But I digress.

These are incredible works of fiction with some of the best examples of Imaginative narrative and plot development I have ever seen or read. Personally I will call them hands down as good as any Fantasy Novel Written then or today.

I'm biased but I would say it's actually The Best Series. Simple

The tale takes place in a gloomy gothic behemoth of a Castle, Called Gormenghast and its surrounding world. More a Misshapen mass than a castle in the traditional sense and the Life and adventures of the Titular Character Titus Groan.

As the first book starts with The Birth of Titus, he actually plays a fairly minor role throughout, only truly being developed into a major character in the second Volume onwards.

Gormenghast as a place, is of course Best described by Peake himself-

Gormenghast, that is, the main massing of the original stone, taken by itself would have displayed a certain ponderous architectural quality were it possible to have ignored the circumfusion of those mean dwellings that swarmed like an epidemic around its Outer Walls.

The quality of storytelling and imagination throughout these novels truly set them apart. From the descriptions of other characters and their names (Steerpike, Mr. Flay, Dr. Alfred Prunesquallor) to the changes in tone and rhythm during the tale. Its singularly unique in its storytelling.

Very few books I have read can convey a true sense of Menace and fear as well as these stories. You find yourself reading paragraphs with a genuine sense of urgency to find out what happens next.

I would say this makes them a must Read for any Fan of Fantasy or Horror, Hell anyone who likes a good fiction.

When I first came across these books as a teenager, I was instantly hooked. Today I have picked it up again as comfort food for the soul.

The familiar characters and world that no matter how many times I revisit it, I discover something new.

Each time feels like I have just read the story for the first time.

If you haven't given His books a shot, I highly recommend checking them out.

There are plenty of serious reviews etc. out there and the books can be picked up for practically nothing second hand in a large number of languages.

Do you guys have a favourite comfort book?
Something you like to revisit every few years?

Let me know, Down below.


This is currently My 3rd copy over the years, Eventually They fall apart and someone buys me a new one for Christmas.

Thanks for keepin me company and hopefully I managed to stay partially Coherent, I will now retire my sorry ass to bed for the night with my book.

25 days in a row...

I decided I'm going to have a bit of fun on this 30 posts in 30 days. I'm going to do a post 31, and a giveaway on the 31st post, cause some months have 31 days or so I've been told.

In spite of my rough and ready appearance I'm an Antique dealer I know I already said it, like 25 times...

So it'll probably be old shit in your mailbox.

Stay tuned and engage down below . For every post from day 1 if you comment on it you will get one entry and a chance to win.

Then at the end of the 30 posts, on day 31 There will be a random raffle you will get a chance to win....

Really cool old shit.


That's cool bro, I might borrow it, I will make sure to disinfect it prior 😁

It'll need it🤣