Proof of brain admired

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

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I have been browsing this site for several days. I am most happy to see that they are not stingy in voting. It is essential for any platform. Good posts in any other tag do not get votes. It doesn't matter if you don't get it, but I've seen that there are some good posts on other tags, but the curators didn't vote. But Proof of Brain, all the good posts in this tag are being rewarded. It's a lot of fun.
Voting on others' tags the bot gives votes. A bot can never understand which is a good post and which is a bad post. But they are always voting.
But it doesn’t happen in the Proof of Brain tag. Here is the manual curation which I like. Many thanks to @proofofbrainio
To create such a platform.
Not the familiar faces, original and good content should be rewarded.
I wish freedom of the platform