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RE: Things to look for when you suspect that the label is not advertising the contents...

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Your more than welcome to tag my stupidity. even though that sure hasn't stopped you before. I aim to improve me. I can't help others if I haven't been helped to be up to par in mental/heart health etc. I enjoy reading your material. Wish the guys I associated with in prison could enjoy the same.

those that misunderstand, and misinterpret, information

guilty. I have had it done before. I overlook some word or misread a sentence. The lack of having gone through the same experiences can backfire. I have had it happen.

those that wish to not engage in a debate of their own ideas are scared of being revealed.
Of showing themselves to being nothing like the mask that they wear.

I have done this too depending on topics. But lately I have been swallowing that pride and just letting it go. It's not healthy for anyone to keep a specific (ego) mask longer than necessary. Our very being constructs new masks that must be filtered out. Some are very sticky and hard to remove do to abuse and social conditioning. I try to stay away from big groups like one finds in partying. I prefer one on one interactions and in private. or had preferred. I still enjoy my solitude. Lonely I get sometimes but I also have pets and that helps too.

If a mask is showing, please be sure to point it out so that it can be removed. I get stage fright sometimes. maybe that's also why I don't like big social groups?

'you obviously aren't clever enough to understand what I'm saying'.

I have been saying that no one person can be 100% understood till one lives their life. We can attempt to understand ourself and go about it that way. Still learning.
Letting go of deeply embedded indoctrination is a bitch though, especially when alone. Then comes Hive. A network roots by open minded individuals. I have truly learned a lot here from observation of many users. The question is how to go about organizing what I have learned and expressing it. I get that stage fright. That fear of "what if I fuck up and get rejected" The ego is already setting me up for falling off stage.


The ego is already setting me up for falling off stage.

We fall off the stage, climb back up, look at the audience and laugh our asses off, and then we get to use that most famous phrase of "Is there a Doctor in the house?" as blood drips out of the wound over our eye and the bone poking out of our forearm cause the squeamish to back away and the gore hunters to close in.

Well they become a zombie rise up and go after the closest laugher at them, then you get to sit on stage watching the audience run and scream and cry in utter fear as they trample over each other and ignore each others pleas for help.

It would be the one in the back of the head, that is always the first one to lose it's ability to see.

It's funny how people take the dissection of ideas as a personal attack...(rather than an opportunity to grow through push back and debate...)

I never ceases to surprise me - the amount of children, inhabiting adult bodies.