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RE: Things to look for when you suspect that the label is not advertising the contents...

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

what does the body have to do with being mature minded? I have met some wise children. I would say they are ancients in childish bodies. and we still have these childish bodies.

I'm probably already misunderstanding something.

What has disintegrated my reality and personal ideas was my DMT experiences after having gone through my death ritual. "Ayahuasca Ceremony" 3 years ago during winter before Christmas.

I wanted to die badly. I knew that the ego was all that had to go. So I went. I took 4 drinks of that tea in total. The first one everyone took. The second round to come to me was 20 to 30 minutes after. I didn't feel anything. I took my third and by that time. one hour had felt like it had passed. And I already begun to feel as if I was part of a tree. the whole tree. the flowers on the tops. the greens. I felt like everyone in the room was interconnected in a different light. then my reality began to slightly distort but I could still see where I had left off.

I hadn't gotten enough. I wanted more. I went for the fourth and by this time, theh had run out. there was simply too many people that time. otherwise I could have had more if I wanted. I didn't vomit nor had the runs as some did right away.

I laid in the spot of my choosing. I tried to close my eyes. the shaman was chanting beautiful songs. The violin was playing to add to the mix. along with the shamans musical tools. I couldn't tell you off the top of my head what they were called. The regular get up you could say.

Then it happened. I felt this pressure from my chest suddenly rise out of me. I felt like I could breathe. I felt like I could behave like I wanted. I felt free. I then after, when tthe sun was rising, took turn along with everyone else, spoke what they each wanted to say. We each expressed our last experiences and ideas. the event was Audio recorded. I didn't care to get a copy. I just wanted to walk around the city till my legs gave under my own weight.

And boy did I. I walked from city to city. gave 5k pesos away to some people washing cars. said merry xmas. blah blah. I went to go out to eat. I basically had a me day.

I ponder till this day aince that event about my own reality. It has helped me open my mind more to more possibilities on what we are experiencing at each moment. Life is definitely dream like.