I present three varieties of mushrooms from my country ¨Argentina¨ (Es-Eng )

in FungiFriday2 years ago
Hola amigos y apasionados de esta increíble comunidad ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  Hace tiempo que deseaba unirme a esta comunidad de apasionados por los hongos; Hoy lo pude hacer porque dispongo de hermosas imágenes para compartir con todos ustedes; Quiero agradecer a nuestro querido amigo @ewkaw por la genial idea de crear este espacio en donde podemos compartir las imágenes de los hongos que podemos apreciar donde vivimos

Source: Family Álbum

Hello friends and fans of this amazing community ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  I have long wanted to join this community of mushroom lovers; Today I was able to do it because I have beautiful images to share with all of you; I want to thank our dear friend @ewkaw for the great idea of creating this space where we can share the images of the mushrooms that we can see where we live

Vivo en una ciudad de ¨América¨ del ¨Sur¨; Corrientes mi ciudad natal, está ubicado al noreste de ¨Argentina¨ Un pequeño y coqueto pueblito del interior; Nuestra ciudad se caracteriza por la gran cantidad de espacio verde que convive en la ciudad; Vivo a pocos metros de un gran predio natural, que me permite hacer caminatas al aire libre; Fue durante una de nuestra caminata que nos encontramos con estos dos hermosos ejemplares

Source: Family Álbum

I live in a city in "South America"; Corrientes, my hometown, is located northeast of ¨Argentina¨ A small and charming town in the interior; Our city is characterized by the large amount of green space that coexists in the city; I live a few meters from a large natural area, which allows me to take walks in the open air; It was during one of our walk that we came across these two beautiful specimens

Este es un hermoso ejemplar conocido como ¨hongo¨¨naranja¨ de ¨árbol¨, en honor a su presentación, y en el lugar que siempre se los ve, por lo general en árboles que fueron cortados; Escuche a algunas personas llamarlo como ¨pollo¨ del ¨bosque¨ al parecer está relacionado al sabor. Este tipo de hongo no es muy común verlos, y creo que está relacionado a que en este predio no es normal talar a los arboles

Source: Family Álbum

This is a beautiful specimen known as the "tree" orange mushroom, in honor of its introduction, and in the place that they are always seen, usually on trees that they were cut; I heard some people call it "chicken of the forest" apparently it is related to the taste. This type of fungus is not very common to see, and I think it is related to the fact that it is not normal to cut down the trees on this property

Esta variedad es conocida como ¨hongo¨¨blanco¨ de ¨madera¨, a diferencia del otro; Este ejemplar se los puede encontrar en los arboles vivos, cerca de humedales, preferentemente arboles de corteza blandas. Estos hongos lo encontramos en un árbol que estaba al pie de un canal de agua

Source: Family Álbum

This variety is known as "woody white" mushroom, unlike the other; This specimen can be found in living trees, near wetlands, preferably trees with soft bark. We found these fungi in a tree that was at the foot of a water channel

Esta variedad de hongos la encontramos en la última visita que hicimos a una ciudad del sur de nuestro país; ¨Ushuaia¨ es una ciudad que se caracteriza por tener una variedad de hongos comestibles muy deliciosos. Este hongo es muy conocido como ¨Coprino¨; Unos de los hongos más buscado en la ciudad por su exquisito sabor

Source: Family Álbum

We found this variety of mushrooms on the last visit we made to a city in the south of our country; ¨Ushuaia¨ is a city that is characterized by having a variety of very delicious edible mushrooms. This fungus is well known as ¨Coprino¨; One of the most sought after mushrooms in the city for its exquisite flavor

Fue emocionante haber encontrado esta variedad de hongo, nunca habíamos visto algo igual; Cuando lo vimos de lejos, llegamos a pensar de que se trataban de unos pequeños conejos, al ver que no se movían, nos acercamos para ver de qué se trataba. Las últimas tres imágenes se tomaron con un teléfono ¨Moto¨¨e7¨, el resto se captó con una cámara ¨NikonCoolpixB500¨

It was exciting to have found this variety of fungus, we had never seen anything like it; When we saw it from afar, we came to think that they were small rabbits, seeing that they did not move, we approached to see what it was. The last three images were taken with a ¨Moto¨¨e7¨ phone, the rest were captured with a ¨NikonCoolpixB500¨ camera


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


I wouldn't have thought this would taste like chicken. You can't miss it based on its vibrant color. One new type of fungi I've never seen before.

Thanks and welcome to the fun.

#posh compartido en mis redes sociales
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Welcome to the community :)

That orange one has really amazing colour!

hello dear friend @ewkaw good afternoon
thank you very much for this warm welcome
have a beautiful night

That was perfect post. I also like a fungi and mushroom. I was recently post about the mushroom in Fungi lover.