My experience running a witness, so far. - Weekly Vlog 1-3-21

in TeamUK3 years ago (edited)

Interesting to see behind the scenes! !WINE

40 minute vlog! hats off to you buddy I had ago at doing A vlog as I now have a pc webcam ended up messing up after a minute in haha.

all these lines of code are just confusing to me it is like learning a new language haha.

strangely I find learning a new actually language harder than learning a coding language. XD

I have no idea how it happens and what chicanery and jiggerypokery are at play here...


I have met you ShmoogleDude and can quite categorically confirm that you do not look anything like, I mean not even remotely like your Vlog thumbnails!!!

Hive must exist in the upside-down! 😱

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