El Anima Sola, historias de mi Madre(Esp/Eng)

in La Hermandad Kyteler3 years ago (edited)



A raíz de mis relatos acerca de las Animas Benditas del Purgatorio, recordé unas historias que mi madre me contaba estando soltera, que recordaba vagamente y hoy ella misma vía telefónica me las recordó…

En la Pensión:

Cuando ella estaba soltera ya mas adulta, se vino de su pueblo natal a trabajar a la ciudad donde ya estaba su hermano mayor junto a su esposa y hermanos de esta que para la época también estaban solteros y eran también oriundos de este mismo pueblo.

Ellos junto a mi madre se habían criado prácticamente juntos de hecho se tratan como hermanos, entonces cuando se vino de su pueblo, llego a vivir junto a ellos.

Ellos vivían en especie de una casona grande donde rentaban o alquilaban habitaciones a diferentes familias, matrimonios o personas solas, donde compartían los espacios de esta casa, patios, algunos baños, en fin, aquí les dicen pensiones.


Ya estando mi mamá instalada se hizo amiga de una pareja de hermanos que vivían en una de estas habitaciones y ella y mi tío tenían por costumbre ir todas las tardes a jugar juegos de mesa con ellos.

Una tarde estaban aburridos y se pusieron a curiosear por los pasillos y cuartos de la pensión, dio la casualidad que justo al lado de estos hermanos habían acabado de irse una pareja que al parecer le pidieron desocupación por ser personas de mal vivir.

Ellos por curiosidad empezaron a asomarse por las ventanas y vieron que había algo en el piso como un símbolo con unas velas negras encendidas…, esto les dio suspicacia y mala espina, decidieron que era mejor apagar aquello para evitar algún incendio o algo así.

De los cuatro que estaban, entre ellos mi madre, escogieron al mas alto para que pudiera lanzar agua por unas ventanas que daban al pasillo que estaban bien altas y ese fue mi tío "El Gringo" el mas alto y atrevido también.

Todos acordaron llenar un tobo con agua y pasárselo para que el tirara el agua hacia adentro y apagara aquellos velones, entonces el hizo lo indicado, tiro el agua y dice mi mamá que casi en el acto se apagaron los velones, pero empezaron a oír un silbido alto y penetrante largo e intimidante.


Tras de eso empezaron a sentir un frio extraño, pero no se quedaron a seguir investigando como muchachos al fin salieron corriendo bien asustados.

No comentaron nada a los adultos por que pensaron que los iban a regañar por andar de curiosos, pero lo extraño es que al parecer nadie mas oyó o vio nada de esos eventos, ni el silbido ni nada mas.

Con el paso de los días se enteraron que al parecer estas personas que se habían marchado hicieron hecho un trato con esta entidad, ser o espíritu (El Anima Sola) para que no pudieran seguir rentando ese lugar y los dueños no obtuvieran beneficios económicos de esa casa.

Con el tiempo mis tíos y mamá se fueron del lugar pues todo decayó mucho, la convivencia y el ambiente se torno muy pesado y varios inquilinos fueron victimas de varios sustos paranormales, sombras, ruidos, silbidos.

En ese momento cuando ya era latente, las murmuraciones y chismes de pasillo y ya que se iban a mudar cuando se decidieron a contar todo lo que les pasó, pues se fueron mas convencidos...

¡Saludos mis queridos lectores!!


As a result of my stories about the Blessed Souls of Purgatory, I remembered some stories that my mother used to tell me when I was single, which I vaguely remembered and today she herself reminded me of them by telephone...

At the Pension:

When she was single and already more adult, she came from her hometown to work in the city where her older brother was already there with his wife and her brothers who at the time were also single and were also natives of this same town.

They and my mother had grown up practically together, in fact they treated each other as siblings, so when he came from his hometown, he came to live with them.

They lived in a kind of a big house where they rented or rented rooms to different families, couples or single people, where they shared the spaces of this house, patios, some bathrooms, in short, here they call them pensions.

When my mother was already settled, she became friends with a couple of brothers who lived in one of these rooms and she and my uncle used to go every afternoon to play board games with them.

One afternoon they were bored and started to look around the corridors and rooms of the boarding house.
It so happened that right next to these siblings, a couple had just left and apparently asked to vacate because they were people with a bad way of life.

Out of curiosity they began to look out of the windows and saw that there was something on the floor like a symbol with some black candles lit..., this gave them suspicion and a bad feeling, they decided that it was better to turn it off to avoid a fire or something like that.

Of the four that were there, among them my mother, they chose the tallest one so that he could throw water through some windows that were very high and that was my uncle "El Gringo", the tallest and most daring as well.

They all agreed to fill a bucket with water and pass it to him so that he would throw the water inside and extinguish those candles, then he did as indicated, he threw the water and my mother says that almost immediately the candles went out, but they began to hear a loud and piercing whistle, long and intimidating.

After that they began to feel a strange cold, but they did not stay to continue investigating as boys finally ran away scared.

They did not comment anything to the adults because they thought they would be scolded for being curious, but the strange thing is that apparently no one else heard or saw anything of these events, neither the whistling nor anything else.

As the days went by they found out that apparently these people who had left had made a deal with this entity, being or spirit (El Anima Sola) so that they could not continue renting that place and the owners would not obtain economic benefits from that house.

As time went by, my uncles and mom left the place, because everything went down a lot, the coexistence and the atmosphere became very heavy and several tenants were victims of several paranormal scares, shadows, noises, whistles.

At that time when it was already latent, the murmurings and gossip in the hallway and since they were going to move when they decided to tell everything that happened to them, they left more convinced...

Greetings my dear readers!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



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