Melampodium flowers

in R2cornell3 years ago







This Melampodium flower is still in the same family as sunflowers. Also known as Butter Daisy. The flowers are yellow, and they bloom diligently especially during the summer. It is suitable to be used as cut flowers or border plants. Source

This flower also grows wild around my house, that's why it's very easy for me to get it.

Bunga Melampodium ini masih satu marga dengan bunga matahari. Biasa dikenal juga dengan nama Butter Daisy. Bunga berwarna kuning, dan rajin berbunga terutama saat musim panas. Sangat cocok untuk dijadikan bunga potong ataupun tanaman border.sumber

Bunga ini juga banyak tumbuh liar di sekitar rumahku, itu sebabnya sangat mudah untukku mendapatkannya.