Sunflowers and red roses in our garden

in R2cornell3 years ago

Dear Hive Community, my best wishes and congratulations to all of you. Friends, we now have two flowers in our garden, the sunflower and the red rose.
In the last post I gave a post of red rose flower in my garden and got some pictures of that flower. Today I am giving you some information about the qualities of sunflower and red rose together.
Sources from Science Magazine:
When I want to get an idea about online news or science magazine like every day, today I explained a beautiful picture of sunflower in our garden on my mobile then I can see some information about this sunflower online and its location. I revealed.

Every morning all the work in the sunflower garden faces east like a parade group. The sun rises in that direction and slowly rises. As the sun rises, the sunflowers slowly change direction. The sun goes wherever it goes. They always face the sun. When the sun goes down to the west, they also stay along the west side.

Scientists are unable to give a satisfactory answer as to why sunflowers move slowly towards the sun. Their research reveals that sunflowers are always facing the sun due to their own cycle of government. Researchers in the journal Science.

The sunflower stem follows the sun during the day and reverses at night, waiting for the sun to return.

Plants usually do not have this cycle. One of the few exceptions is that sunflowers use this cycle. Sunflowers are always facing the sun. Flowers are larger in size and help attract bees to pollinate. Helping to survive is that the flowers will grow in size and get more bees for pollination. The flowers are more likely to be seeded and survive.

To make sure of the characteristics of the sunflower, scientists conducted a number of experiments, first holding the tree with a stick so that it could not move, as well as forcing the tree to face west when it faces east. They can get up and go back to the cycle. Then they bring the flowering plants home. They provide artificial light 24 hours a day without any reversal. The sunflower is presented to the sun non-stop.

At the same time it is not possible to follow the sun and keep pace with the internal clock. In this case, 30 hours of confusion is given. If you present the cycle for a long time, it will be difficult to adapt to it.

This is what happens to a human being. If someone keeps the lights on all the time at night, then his cycle is not complete for 24 hours. Gradually it is covered for 25 hours.

However, there is a question as to whether the process is completed from east to west in the presence of any cycle or any other function. The research shows that there is more growth of sunflower standing behind it. It means that the trunk of the tree grows more than the other side during the day. The east side of the Ganges is relatively more divided, so there is a difference between the two sides, and the stem is gradually facing west from the east. After the evening, the cycle is reversed. The western side of the Ganges grows more than the east side. This cycle is completed before dawn, and another new cycle begins as soon as the sun rises.

They have some advantages due to the presence of this cycle. Studies have shown that all flowers are intentionally stuck or the cycle is interrupted.

However, unlike other plants, sunflowers cannot change their position day and night without sunflowers. This is the information about today's sunflowers.


Sunflowers from the garden



Sunflowers and roses in the garden


Pictures of sunflowers in our bed seats

Manuel post @jaster
•photography ————— Sunflower 🌻 and Rose 🌹
•Camera —————— Mobile IPhone 📲 7 Plus
•Edit —————— IPhone 📲
•Location —————— Monohardi Narsingdi Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Everyone can visit my post @jaster Thanks