A cup of coffee to get the ideas flowing EN/ES.


Hello everyone...

Beloved and dear coffee community, how have you been? I've been wondering now that I'm here again.

A simple cup of coffee can brighten up your day and make it very productive, today I have found it to be so and I want to tell you why.

First I want to talk about The reason for my great and constant absence lately, is nothing more and nothing less than constant problems with the internet in my area, which the truth is an evil that we live constantly here. For example, at my place of work, the internet wiring was vandalized and stolen, the company that provides the internet has mentioned that it will probably take 1 week or more to solve it. And since I'm working from home, the internet is not that fast so I haven't had that much participation, mostly I've managed to comment a lot because that's what the internet allows me to do.

And although working from home means more time off and having a totally clear mind, also working from home means being distracted by many things. It's amazing how easily one can get distracted working from home and sometimes I don't have enough time to get everything done that I set out to do every morning. I have to help my wife with the housework or do things I haven't done for a while like changing a light bulb, cleaning the weeds, and cooking with my wife, which is not a bad thing, but it takes away the time I need to work and I get behind on everything.



But I took advantage of this morning to wake up before my wife and make some coffee, something I hadn't done for a long time because lately, I had only been buying coffee outside the house. But since I recently bought vanilla, I'm excited that I can spice up the coffee with other flavor notes that wake up an early morning palate, plus a little caffeine to boost my thoughts can be very positive.

So I got to work and started boiling some water while I ate some comments to some posts from the communities I'm in, I started with the LeoFinance community and came across a gem, a post from @leogrowth where they share an initiative called [Leo Power Up Day](https://leofinance. io/@leogrowth/leo-power-up-day-is-now-a-thing-join-and-win-a-dolphin-size-delegation), which is just like the #HPUD, and I find them great as it motivates the community to engage more and of course the juicy rewards for only turning on 200 LEO or more.

The second post they consider amazing was the one I found in the #CCC community that made me remember my fitness years, it's from @ettydiallova Smoothies Coffee and Pumpkin for My Breakfast where she shares an amazing idea for a nutritious and full of energy breakfast, as I told you I used to make them with plums and strawberries, but this idea with coffee I will try it as soon as the first pumpkins come out of my orchard.



And while I was drinking my coffee and watching the sun rays coming through my window I had an incredible idea for the coffee community, have you ever thought about making a Podcast for this community? I thought about it after downloading a Spotify app called Anchor. I think it's a wonderful idea because this way the community could know each other much better.

Share experiences, tastes, knowledge, recipes, places, Etc.... anything is valid in a coffee Podcast, if anyone else is excited about the idea let me know in the comments to make the first test.

In conclusion, working from home sometimes can be stressful, but if you start with a good cup of coffee, ideas and workflows in a better way, and more is accomplished in a short time.

Thank you very much for reading, I hope you have a good and excellent day, see you in a future post.




Hola a todos....

¿Amada y querida comunidad del café, como han estado? Yo de maravilla ahora que estoy nuevamente aquí.

Una simple taza de café puede alegrar tu día y hacerlo muy productivo, hoy lo he visto así y quiero contarte por qué.

Primero quiero hablar sobre La razón de mi gran y constante ausencia últimamente, no es nada más y nada menos que problemas constantes con el internet en mi zona, que la verdad es un mal que vivimos constantemente aquí. Por ejemplo, en mi lugar de trabajo, el cableado del internet fue vandalizado y robado, la compañía que provee el internet ha mencionado que probablemente tarden 1 semana o más en resolverlo. Y como estoy trabajando desde casa, pues el internet no es tan rápido así que no he tenido tanta participación, más que todo he logrado comentar mucho porque es lo que el internet me permite.

Y aunque trabajar desde casa significa más tiempo de descanso y tener la mente totalmente despejada, también trabajar desde casa significa estar distraído con muchas cosas. Es realmente increíble la facilidad con la que uno puede distraerse trabajando desde casa y algunas veces no me alcanza el tiempo para lograr hacer todo lo que me propongo todas las mañanas. Ya que tengo que ayudar a mi esposa con los quehaceres del hogar o a hacer cosas que tenía tiempo sin hacer como cambiar un bombillo, limpiar la maleza, cocinar con mi esposa, lo cual no es malo, pero me quita el tiempo que necesito para trabajar y se me atrasa todo.



Pero aproveche esta mañana para despertarme primero que mi esposa y hacer un poco de café, algo que tenía tanto tiempo sin hacer ya que últimamente había solamente comprado café fuera de la casa. Pero como recientemente compre de vainilla, me entusiasma que puedo sazonar el café con otras notas de sabor que despiertan a un paladar madrugador, además de que un poco de cafeína para impulsar mis pensamientos puede resultar muy positivo.

Así que puse manos a la obra y comencé a hervir agua mientras come hacia algunos comentarios a algunas publicaciones de las comunidades en las cuales estoy, comencé por la comunidad de LeoFinance y me encontré con una joya, una publicación de @leogrowth donde comparten una iniciativa llamada Leo Power Up Day, que es igual que el #HPUD, y en lo personal Me parecen muy bien ya que motiva a la comunidad a comprometerse más y claro las jugosas recompensas por solamente encender 200 LEO o más.

La segunda publicación que consideran increíble fue la que encontré en la comunidad de #CCC que me hizo recordar mis años de fitness, es de @ettydiallova Smoothies Coffee and Pumpkin for My Breakfast donde nos comparte una increíble idea para un desayuno nutritivo y lleno de energía, como le comente yo los hacia de ciruelas y fresas, pero esta idea con café la intentare a penas salgan las primeras calabazas de mi huerto.



Y mientras me tomaba mi café y veía los rayos del sol que entraban por mi ventana se me ha ocurrido una increíble idea para la comunidad del café, ¿alguna vez han pensado en hacer Podcast para esta comunidad? lo pensé luego de descargar una app de Spotify llamada Anchor. me parece una idea maravillosa, ya que de esta manera la comunidad podría conocerse mucho mejor.

Compartir experiencias, gustos, conocimientos, recetas, lugares, Etc.… cualquier cosa es válida en un Podcast de café, si a alguien más le entusiasma la idea hágamelo saber en los comentarios para hacer una primera prueba.

En conclusión, trabajar desde casa algunas veces puede ser estresante, pero si comienzas con una buena taza de café, las ideas y el trabajo fluye de una mejor manera, y se logra más en poco tiempo.

Muchas gracias por leer, espero que tengas un buen y excelente día, nos vemos hasta una próxima publicación.



Coffe makes everything betterr: the good news, the bad news and as you say it makes the ideas flow. Nice post :)

Right, it makes our day a better day :D thanks for commenting.

Hi @fabian98 I understand when you say that working from home is a bit stressful, I also work this way since the pandemic and although at first I could not adapt and I was doing a thousand things at once related to work and home, today I can say that I have found a balance by organizing my schedule and dedicating a specific time to each thing without mixing them or distracting me, plus other things that have allowed me to get used better to this lifestyle and work. The good thing is that working from home, we always have at hand the option of having a freshly brewed coffee, greetings.😉

Hola @fabian98 te entiendo cuando dices que trabajar desde la casa es un poco estresante, yo tambien trabajo de esta manera desde la pandemia y aunque al principio no lograba adaptarme y me ponía a hacer mil cosas a la vez relacionadas con el trabajo y la casa, hoy puedo decir que he encontrado un equilibrio organizando mis horarios y dedicandole un tiempo especifico a cada cosa sin mezclarlas o distraerme, ademas de otras cosas que me han permitido acostumbrarme mejor a este estilo de vida y trabajo. Lo bueno es que trabajando desde casa, siempre tenemos a la mano la opción de tomarnos un café recien hecho, saludos

It's exactly as you say friend, I need to make a schedule that allows me to keep on top of everything and organize my time better. And of course, at work I can't have a coffee every time I want hahaha thanks for commenting.

It was a pleasure to read your publication, best regards 😉

Fue un gusto leer tu publicación, saludos 😉

It's exactly as you say friend, I need to make a schedule that allows me to keep on top of everything and organize my time better. And of course, at work I can't have a coffee every time I want hahaha thanks for commenting.

 2 years ago  

It's nice to see you back here @fabian98.
Yes, coffee does get ideas flowing, especially when there is a hint of vanilla in it.
I do feel your pain about bad internet connection.
Happy you got the chance to catch up on your work:-))

Of course, it always works, and thank you very much for your words, I hope you also have a good day. thank you for commenting and stopping over here :D

It looks delicious .. Thanks for sharing.


You're welcome, thanks to you for comment :D

 2 years ago  

Sorry to hear about the internet in your area. That sounds like it could be frustrating to have to deal with. I've never put vanilla in my coffee but I'm intrigued.

Yes, but little by little it is being resolved :D
And you haven't tried vanilla in your coffee' you should, it gives it a unique and gourmet flavor.

 2 years ago  

Yeah, I bet. I'll have to try it.