Exquisite coffee and cocoa cake // Exquisita torta de café con cacao

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago



Aroma, flavor and tradition are the perfect words to refer to this wonderful dessert, since I was a child I used to see my maternal grandmother use coffee and cocoa in the kitchen a lot but separately, she used to serve coffee in the mornings and afternoons, cocoa with milk at night; I used to listen to many stories that she used to tell me about the cocoa producing farm where she grew up, I remember that the aroma of chocolate always invaded my mind and I have always found it interesting to make preparations with this fabulous ingredient preferred by many, today I will show you a special cake that I prepare with arabica coffee and cocoa, its preparation is easy and its flavor is exquisite.

Aroma, sabor y tradición son las palabras perfectas para referirnos a este postre maravilloso, desde niña solía ver a mi abuela materna utilizar en la cocina mucho el café y el cacao pero por separado, el café lo servía en las mañanas y tardes, el cacao con leche lo servía en la noche; yo solía escuchar muchas historias que ella me contaba sobre la hacienda productora de cacao en donde había crecido, recuerdo que siempre el aroma del chocolate invadía mi mente y siempre me ha parecido interesante elaborar preparaciones con este ingrediente fabuloso preferido por muchos, hoy les mostraré una torta especial que preparo con café arabico y cacao su elaboración es fácil y su sabor es exquisito


We will need // Necesitaremos

Three cups of leavening flour

Four eggs

One cup of cocoa powder ( it must be bitter cocoa )

One tablespoon of grated orange peel ( orange peel and chocolate are a great combination )

One or two tablespoons of vanilla

Two cups of coffee ( without sugar and a little strong )

Two cups of sugar

One cup of melted butter

Tres tazas de harina leudante

Cuatro huevos

Una taza de cacao en polvo ( debe ser cacao amargo)

Una cucharada de corteza de naranja rallada ( la corteza de naranja y el chocolate son una gran combinación )

Una o dos cucharadas de vainilla

Dos tazas de café ( sin azúcar y que sea un poco fuerte)

Dos tazas de azúcar

Una taza de mantequilla derretida


Procedure // Procedimiento

In a bowl, beat the eggs, sugar and orange zest until creamy, then add the melted butter and beat vigorously.

Batimos en un bol los huevos, azúcar y ralladura de naranja hasta quedar cremosa luego añadimos la mantequilla derretida y batimos vigorosamente




We join the coffee with the vanilla and this will be the liquid, we also join the wheat flour with the cocoa powder and this will be my flour; then we add flour alternating with the liquid until all the ingredients are completely finished, the mixture should be homogeneous, shiny and very aromatic.

Unimos el café con la vainilla y este será el líquido, unimos también la harina de trigo con el cacao en polvo y este será mi harina; entonces vamos colocando harina alternando con el líquido hasta finalizar por completo todos los ingredientes, la mezcla debe quedar homogénea brillosa y muy aromática


Bake the mixture in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes or until the cake is completely cooked.

Llevamos la mezcla al horno y cocinar a 180 grados por 30 a 40 minutos o hasta que este la torta cocida por completo



This delicious cake can be enjoyed undecorated, you can also put a topping such as Italian meringue on top and that's it !

Esta deliciosa torta la podemos disfrutar así sin decorar, también le puedes colocar alguna cobertura como merengue italiano una porción por encima y listo !


I love making desserts and using coffee in them is wonderful because I can enjoy my favorite energy drink in a large piece of cake.

Al probarla comprobarás el sabor intenso e exquisito que tiene, además si la consumes al día siguiente tendrá un mejor gusto, adoro hacer postres y utilizar el café en ellos es maravilloso porque puedo disfrutar de mi bebida energética favorita en un gran trozo de pastel


My husband and I both really love coffee! This cake looks so very delicious. I've been wanting to incorporate coffee into our desserts so thank you for this recipe :)

Yum ~

How wonderful, I have many of these recipes that you might enjoy!!!! sorry for the late reply, I have had some problems with my equipment !

@crosheille Best Regards

No worries at all. 😉

That’s awesome! Please do share!

This looks delicious! I cannot wait to try baking this with a friend! Thank you so much for sharing your recipe and baking process!


Glad you liked it!
I love coffee and the flavor it brings to desserts,
@huzzah greetings.

Meee too! My friend actually just show me this really great trick of mixing in coffee mocha syrup mix with your brownies in place of water. It makes the brownies come out super dense and with a nice delicious moocha flavor! Yaaay for coffee flavorings!

Greetings to you too! Hope this message finds you well! :D



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 3 years ago  

Hello @ileart

Thank you very much for your support, it is a pleasure to cook and enjoy the wonderful world of coffee.

 3 years ago  

You're welcome!
It's shows that you enjoy it 😄☕️