Own recipe: make coffee milk creamer

Good evening all Hive friends in this community this afternoon I tried to make my own coffee recipe which I adapted from a recipe that appeared on my social media homepage, because I saw the appearance was very tempting so I wanted to try making it myself to see if it was as good as it was. on my porch or not. And this is my first attempt at making coffee with a recipe like this. It looks simple with simple ingredients, but I'm sure that getting perfect results is not as easy as it seems. and now I will show you how my cup of coffee is made for today so that my curiosity will disappear.

The ingredients I need to make this drink are:
1. 1 pack of instant coffee

2. 1 spoon of creamer

3. Ice cubes

4. 1 pack of 65 ML chocolate milk

5. 1 glass of warm water

We can see how I make my coffee below:

1. The first step is that I first put 1 packet of coffee into a container

2. After that, I mixed 1 spoonful of creamer into the same container as the coffee

3. Then I also mixed in the sweetened condensed chocolate milk

4. And finally, I mixed a little warm water and stirred it until it was smooth and thickened, then I mixed all the warm water until it produced foam.

5. Then I put ice cubes into the glass

6. And finally, I put in the coffee that I stirred earlier and my coffee is ready

7. I can enjoy coffee with milk creamer this afternoon.

What about my recipe, even though it looks ordinary, the way I make coffee now is not the usual way of just pouring it. I actually took the recipe that I demonstrated from a coffee recipe that passed by on my home page, but it seems there are steps missing so that there isn't too much foam in my coffee and the coffee I stir isn't too strong. What do you think is wrong with my recipe? even though it tastes good without the sugar mixture, the appearance that I expected is not actually like this. I want lots of foam in my coffee so it's exciting to photograph.
Greetings from tomidiwirja, Indonesia


Uhm... looks like a simple recipe. I imagine that the condensed milk is key to give it that particular touch. Maybe we'll take a look at it. Regards @tomidiwirja

Yes, exactly. My recipe is very simple. Please try. Thank You @aaalviarez

 4 months ago  

Is this coffee mild enough on your stomach for you to drink?

Yes, the combination of chocolate milk, creamer and coffee makes my recipe very soft and delicious to drink cold.

It is good to have nice coffee made by yourself, but my advice, you should have another coffee powder from another brand like El's Coffee. That is delicious coffee

Wow, thanks for the advice. next time I will try the brand of coffee you suggested

 4 months ago  

Hello there!

It's great to see you stop by. Here's a coffee on the house.

Untitled design-77.jpg

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Have a Coffee-Licious Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗

Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.

Thank you @cinnccf, I'll try to interact with others.