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RE: Announcing OpenOrchard & koinos

in OpenSeed4 years ago

Can't really comprehend some of the technical terms mentioned here but you said something about enabling encrypted messaging; will that be similar to Facebook messenger?


Yes exactly, except unlike Facebook messenger, it's open source so any developer can integrate the chat into their application. Practically speaking what that means is that you could begin a conversation with someone (like me) in, and then we can move over to and continue the conversation!

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Looking forward to it man.

iMessage for Hive!

Perfect. :)


Isn't @dapplr proposing audio and video calls as well? Ain't messaging app there gonna be an open source one? Won't that be encrypted! !

Now it sounds like these features in @dapplr would be over centralized network. Am I right?

Can't wait to see that happen!