in SublimeSunday3 years ago (edited)

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Nice display of flowers on the Rhododendron this Spring.. Lady ferns compliment the flowers..

Getting enough rain to keep everything growing nicely..

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This is a Gull flying over Peconic Bay..When Flying over the Sea it is called a "Seagull" but since it is over the bay it is called a "Bagel"


Have a great Sunday everyone ... Get rid of the masks, breath in the fresh air and enjoy some free vitamin D from the sun..


Your purple click-bait worked on me ..;-)

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I love seeing those plants along the trails around where I live. We have one place called Nimblewill that is just full of those plants growing wild.

You are lucky to enjoy them in the wild..

I'm sure there will be more people on the beach if it is raining bagels.

The Rhododendron flowers are just gorgeous @manorvillemike as are the Lady ferns!! Lol ... "Bagel" .. too funny! 😂

Old joke from old guy..