Una belleza que destaca donde sea... 🌼

in SublimeSunday3 years ago (edited)
Y llegó un lindo día de sol. Ese #BeautifulSunday donde te vi, allí resplandeciente como la lumbrera mayor que nos abraza con su calor. Si, allí. Estabas quieta entre tus compañeras disfrutando de la brisa, en una danza que destacaba tu belleza y fue irresistible el deseo de tomarte con ternura cual hermosa joya de la naturaleza. Fuiste la que completó mi día convirtiéndolo en un bello y #SublimeSunday.

Te llevé a mi casa y posaste igual de bella, como lo hace toda creación de Dios. Tu resplandeciente amarillo cual sol, que se asemeja a un hermoso tono naranja destacaba tu hermosura y sutil delicadeza.

And a nice sunny day arrived. That #BeautifulSunday where I saw you, there resplendent like the greatest light that embraces us with its warmth. Yes, there. You were still among your companions enjoying the breeze, in a dance that highlighted your beauty and the desire to take you with tenderness like a beautiful jewel of nature was irresistible. You were the one who completed my day by turning it into a beautiful and #SublimeSunday.
I took you to my house and you posed just as beautiful, as all God's creation does. Your shimmering sun-like yellow, which resembles a beautiful shade of orange, highlighted your beauty and subtle delicacy.


Tu diseño era obra perfecta que aunque en apariencia débil, se mantuvo intacta. Erguida estabas sin importar la distancia entre tu familia y tu ahora nueva casa.

Your design was a perfect work that although apparently weak, it remained intact. You stood upright regardless of the distance between your family and your now new home.



Allí permaneciste, quizás asustada al principio pero luego viste que todo era seguro. El peligro no existía y seguirías viva. Nada malo había en aquel lugar, mi casa, que era una morada de paz.

There you remained, perhaps scared at first but then you saw that everything was safe. The danger did not exist and you would still be alive. There was nothing wrong in that place, my house, which was a home of peace.



Un frasco y un poco de agua bastaron. Con eso te mantuviste el tiempo perfecto, el indicado por tu Creador.

A bottle and a little water were enough. With that you kept the perfect time, the one indicated by your Creator.


Quizás el que me lea pensará: "En su planta estaba mejor". Y si, no está mal la afirmación, pero también regalar lo bueno y bello a otros es el motivo de la obra de Dios.

Perhaps whoever reads me will think: "He was better on his floor." And yes, the statement is not wrong, but also giving good and beautiful to others is the reason for God's work.


La alegría de tu color me hizo feliz y posaste en mi cocina esperando todas las fotos posibles desde el lente de mi cámara.

Y es que tu belleza destaca donde sea que estés... Porque solo basta ser bella.

The joy of your color made me happy and you posed in my kitchen waiting for all the possible photos from my camera lens.

And it is that your beauty stands out wherever you are ... Because it is enough to be beautiful.


¡Gracias a ti flor, por darme lo mejor!

Thank you flower, for giving me the best!


Les invito a unirse a #SublimeSunday iniciado por @c0ff33a
y a #BeautifulSunday iniciado por @ace108.

I invite you to join #SublimeSunday started by @c0ff33a
and #BeautifulSunday started by @ace108.

¡Hay mucho para dar!

There is so much to give!


De @parauri para el mundo ♥

From @parauri to the world ♥

Fotos propias. Tomadas con mi cámara Olympus FE-46 12MP

Mis fotos las edito usando Picasa

Own photos. Taken with my Olympus FE-46 12MP camera

I edit my photos using Picasa






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A nice flower thought I am bit curious what kind of bottle that is.

Yes, pretty flower. Thanks @ace108. The bottle is small, of medicine, only 6 centimeters high, because I like to keep things that can be useful for some crafts. The first thing is to sterilize and then save, but that day it was a perfect vase.
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A virtual hug ♥