Motion life

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Everything in this Creator-given creation is moving and there is no creature on our earth except moving. No creature can survive without motion, when an organism stops moving, it dies. You will notice that the sun, the stars, the moon and everything on the earth created by the Creator are in motion. You will see that after the birth of a child, that child gradually grows up and from this it is understood that our life is moving. Like humans, plant life is also moving and plants are slowly growing.



You see, the faster a person works, the better. There are a lot of lazy people around us whose speed is too low and they can never improve. Survival of such people does not improve our society and these lazy people do not benefit any people of our society. You will notice that if a airplane stops flying in the sky, that airplane will fall down and it will wreck. That is why it is said that speed is life and death in status.



In the end we can say that everything in our world is moving and there is nothing in our world except motion. I have shared with you as much as I actually know and I hope you can learn something by reading this post.

