If Such a System Exists, it Will be Good News For The Students

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Hi #Hivelearners community.

Today's topic is special and I would like to share some special things about it, the way we see that poor people study in schools and rich people study in good schools, so education is difficult for poor children. Because the problems have become too much and we see that due to inflation, things are becoming more difficult to buy and the children who get these things easily are not interested in their studies at all.

If we see a poor person, he is interested in studying, but he cannot buy books, so he borrows books from people, but still studies and passes with good marks. Our own studies have been completed and we have seen this in our school,

College and university that the boy from the poor family always gets ready in the morning and goes to school on time and the child of the poor is also very good at school. That is why when a person is rich, he does not worry that he will have any kind of problem in the future and the biggest dream of a poor child is that he can read and write.


Let the name of his parents shine and the kind of life they are leading and can improve the life. Now here a few days ago a girl has taken a position and her father was a laborer so it is happy to see this. When she told her story in the interview, she cried seeing that she didn't even have books and she didn't have money to buy pens.

One who has interest in him always completes his studies. If such a system is done, its benefits will be more and the losses will be less because money also plays a very important role in student life, especially when we get that money through gifts. The importance will become more important now that there are 50 students in a class and there are three students who have to get money,

So all the students who are there will work very hard to get these numbers above any of the three numbers so that they can also get reward and it will be given continuously every month so that their life will be easy and it is a fact that when such system comes all the boys and girls of the class will work hard and the benefit is Student's interest in studies will increase.


This will benefit a boy who doesn't work hard in class and doesn't pay attention to his studies when there are chances of getting such rewards. The fact is that when the competition takes place, every boy and girl will work very hard so that they can be number one and get the same name so that their family can also get support and the cost of their education is completely gone.

And this it is a fact that we have also seen that there are boys here who belong to very poor families who study in the morning and do some job in the evening by which they have to bear the cost of their education. And they also help them by giving money to their house so that the house can run well, so we have seen such boys in our life and they are very hardworking.

To develop and change the life of your parents and to change your own life, the only way to change life in this way is to work hard day and night. If we look at our nature, there are many tasks in our life that we ignore and do not do, and if competition is set up within the same tasks, the way a race is set up now or something like that.


If it is done, our self interest also becomes more in this work and we also work harder in the same way so that we can win this prize. The respect that is given in happiness also plays a very important role in the life of all of us. That they will be number one, they will be respected in the whole class and the whole school will be respected.

And it will be known that these boys are working hard and their name is becoming more famous, so every person wants to have his name. If the name is famous in the whole school and college and the whole school and college knows about it, it will be the only means by which people will work hard to become famous in the school and college.

And now here we talk about a little bit of the downside. The downside is that when a guy gets to number one and gets rewarded for a whole year, then he stops working at all and takes the money. If he starts hashing it, then the system will have to be done in such a way that every month the competition will be held and the boy who wins will be rewarded every month,


Then it will not promote the system that the boy will win every month. He will get money every month and then he will stop working hard on his studies, so my advice here is that if this happens, then every month we should make such a system that whoever gets number one gets number two and If he comes to number three,

He should get the prize in one month and if he maintains his position, then he should continue to get the prize every month and then after that he should be given a competition in the ups which is at number one. Hence, he must get some extra reward then his interest will always remain in his studies.


Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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 3 months ago  

Awesome write-up, thanks for sharing this with us.

 3 months ago  

Most welcome dear.