Week 18:- Issue 03:-"Best Jobs & Worst Jobs" // Contest // hive learners

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hello Hive Learners, I hope your journey in life is always safe and secure. meet me again @imam-samudra on this occasion I will share an information about the good and bad jobs from small to big like this in fulfilling our life needs or in making money.

Editing logo designer photo by @imam-samudra


in this life can not be separated in getting money because money is an item where we need at any time from waking up to sleeping again stay with money. with money we can buy anything we need such as rice, fish, clothes, cars and others.

my story of working with the aim of earning money. if from my personal. I will do anything whose purpose is just to get money as long as the money I get is lawful. starting from farming to animal husbandry because they both earn money even though when I work I feel very bitter and lousy at a job.

like I do mowing the grass for my cows it is a job that screams lousy but will pay off in the form of money. From that money I made another capital to add a job and the money also increased. that's not all I do I will do whatever work people tell me so that my money can meet my daily needs.

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In doing a job, of course, there are risks, according to what we do, which can harm our bodies, but we must be patient and concerned about what we do. in doing a job, of course it must be good and look beautiful because in a job you must feel satisfied and look neat.

a good job will earn an appraisal and make as much money as doing merchandising work. depending on how the condition of the person who trades will make money many times over. like I did agricultural work starting from small until today and immediately traded by myself, before I didn't know how to get money then I continued the skills I had, it turns out that this is where the peak of getting satisfactory results.

the worst job where when you feel bored with what we are doing or fail in the results then that's where you will feel how bad a job is. we need to know in a job it doesn't always make a lot of money or get satisfied results, but there are lessons or need to learn more at work.



That's all I can say tonight where there are mistakes and awkwardness in the words or taste that I share, please forgive me because there is much more to learn in the procedure for writing words or pictures

I'd like to visit my friend to follow this contest :


Greetings from @imam-samudra
thank you and wassalam....






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As it is said, anything worth doing is worth doing well. When we do a job and we do it well, we would be happy with ourselves because we know we did a good one. And what is more, people will also enjoy what we have done and come to us for more.
Thaank you for sharing this with us.