Flowers Always Captivate Women's Hearts

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Here I have returned again with the beauty of a flower garden and with several types of flowers already in this garden, actually some of these types of flowers do not have a special garden but some of them have grown on the edge of a strawberry garden fence, there are several types of flowers which grows there with various beauties and uniqueness of its own, here I have taken some of them to share with you all here, consisting of Red Miana flowers, Yellow Kenikir and Impatiens Hawkeri flowers. We can see here that they have grown and bloomed very perfectly, they are also seen with different beauties.

First of all, here I will discuss a little about the Red Miana flower, the first time I came here and my eyes immediately fell on this one flower because the flowers that grow very fertile and surround the garden fence, actually this flower plant only looks very thick leaves but the flowers only appear on it like visible mango flowers, this plant is much liked by women not because it does not bring out special flowers like some other types of plants, but they are very popular because this plant has very unique leaves and they even have several color variations. different ones.



I saw them while walking around this garden while looking at several other types of flower plants growing here, actually I wanted to take them home to plant in my yard but here I have to travel a very long way home and that will surely make them wither in the middle road.

In my village very many mothers and other girls are always looking for some kind of flowers for them to plant in their yard to show the beauty and comfort of a small garden, some of them often go to the forest to look for some types of plants that display some leaves which are different with unique shapes, there are also some of them take several types of taro plants with unique leaves to serve as their ornamental plants.



Although this flower plant is only considered a wild plant, but this plant is very popular with women so that this flower has become a prima donna for women, they always take care of it and make it look more beautiful by neatly arranged in their yard, for some reason they like it while this type of plant does not have flowers, I think they must be very interested in the beauty of the leaves which have a distinctive and varied color.

We must understand how to take care of Miana flowers so that they can grow beautifully, usually these types of plants cannot be directly exposed to the hot sun and if they are placed in the sun it will make the Miana leaves wither, they also have to be watered twice a day to keep the soil moist. and don't let it dry, but the types of plants that I met don't need to be placed in a shady place and don't need to be watered in such a way, because here it has cold weather and rain that always waters them.



Now let's look at the Yellow Kenikir flower that I took from a group of them, if the Miana flower only looks beautiful with its leaves, now we will see the beauty of the Yellow Kenikir flower with the beauty of the flower which has a small crown on it and honey in it, Not only women who like it this flower but insects such as bees also always target this flower to take the honey in it.


I also took a picture of a small orange flower with the name Impatiens Hawkeri, they have small flowers but they are beautiful and have some beautiful color variations, they also look very beautiful if planted in a garden with a group many. We can see here that they have grown very well and they are growing with several different types of flowers.


That's all I can give on this occasion and I hope you all can enjoy it happily and a sweet smile, warm greetings from me to all and thank you. Stay Creative And Successful.

Photo TakenRedmi 9C
LocationNorth Aceh - Indonesia
App EditorMy Gelery