IAmAliveChallenge 162 I am alive and very happy with the support and compensation to my posts

in We Are Alive Tribe4 years ago

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Hola amigos hivianos, contento de contar con salud y vida para poder estar nuevamente aquí junto a todos ustedes, apoyando incansablemente con mi video ciento sesenta y dos consecutivos a este increíble reto de mi amigo   @flaxz . #IAmAliveChallenge . #hivelsalive. Estoy vivo y muy feliz, con las cosas que suceden

Hello Hivian friends, happy to have health and life to be able to be here again with all of you, tirelessly supporting with my video one hundred and sixty-two in a row this incredible challenge from my friend @flaxz . #IAmAliveChallenge. #hivelsalive. I am alive and very happy, with the things that happen

Estoy muy ¨agradecido¨ con todas las cosas buenas que nos sucede; Soy un bendecido de poder haber compartido estas celebraciones en presencia de mi madre, muchos lo han hecho vía web, y yo lo hice de manera presencial; Que más pedo pedir

I am very "thankful" for all the good things that happen to us; I am blessed to have shared these celebrations in the presence of my mother, many have done it via the web, and I did it in person; What else to ask for

No hay nada más relajante que los sonidos del huerto, y para ser honesto hoy lo necesitamos, estamos un poco cansados después del trajín de la celebración, es la razón de no hacer ninguna actividad el día de hoy.

There is nothing more relaxing than the sounds of the garden, and to be honest today we need it, we are a little tired after the bustle of the celebration, it is the reason for not doing any activity on the day from today.

Aqui lo más relevante es esta afección que nos acosa, ya hemos superados las 990000 personas enfermas, si bien 804000 han superado la afección, el problema y la preocupación está en el nivel de fallecidos que ya superan los 26200

Here the most relevant thing is this condition that haunts us, we have already exceeded 990000 sick people, although 804000 have overcome the condition, the problem and concern is at the level of deceased that already exceed 26200

Recibimos la herramienta que hemos adquirido, este es para dar descanso a la otra que tenemos, es mucho el trabajo y hace que tome temperatura, esto lo podemos hacer gracias al apoyo y votos que brindan a mis post. ¨Agradecido¨ por eso

We receive the tool that we have acquired, this is to give rest to the other one that we have, it is a lot of work and it makes it take temperature, we can do this thanks to the support and votes they give my post. ¨Thankful¨ for that

Me encanta socializar y apoyar a las personas, hoy visite a estos hivianos y me gustaría invitarte a que tú también los visites

I love to socialize and support people, today I visit these hivians and I would like to invite you to visit them too

Invited to meet me:  @laxyasaru
Invited to meet me:  @madushanka
Invited to meet me:  @imfarhad
Invited to meet me:  @onyeoga
Invited to meet me:  @rafaeleff15

[//]: # (! pinmapple -27.494200 lat -58.797513 long d3scr)


Source:  vimeo-free-videos

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It's always good to be happy!

hello dear friend @meesterboom good afternoon
Yes dear friend, that's what life is about, to be able to be happy as much as possible
I really appreciate your kind words and this pleasant visit
Have a beautiful afternoon

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 28 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

I appreciate with all my heart the great support you give me thank you dear friends @pixresteemer

#posh compartido en mis redes sociales

I wish you success in your endeavors and go ahead with your work on your own to achieve success.

how are you dear friends @ sumaiya777
I heartily appreciate your kind words, very kind.
thank you very much for the good wishes
have a wonderful afternoon

 4 years ago  

!tip - Thank you for posting videos in our Hive Community

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@flaxz - Admin/Moderator

Check out the Alive Engagement Contest on @iamalivechalleng, daily prizes of 200 Hive Power, every day!

#IAmAliveChallenge, check out our guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide.

hello dear friends @ iamalivechalleng good afternoon
I appreciate with all my heart the great support you give us, a real pleasure to accompany you
I wish you a wonderful afternoon and a happy rest

 3 years ago  

Good Morning and You're Welcome, @jlufer! Enjoy your day and weekend! 😀

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@lisamgentile1961 - Comment Moderator

#IAmAliveChallenge share your gratitude for being alive on the Hive blockchain, check out our guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide

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🎁 Hi @jlufer! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @iamalivechalleng!

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🎁 Hi @jlufer! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @iamalivechalleng!

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🎁 Hi @jlufer! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @iamalivechalleng!

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