in Wednesday Walk2 years ago (edited)

I started this walk very early.


The sky just started turning from black to blue, my sleepy hometown looked even sleepier than usual, and the JPEG metadata of this opening picture show that the photograph was taken at 7:23 AM. At this point, I was still in my garden.


Less than a minute later, I was shooting from a quiet crossroad with no cars around.


Here I took a look uphill, towards the parish church immersed in the fog.


A minute later, when this photograph was taken, I was walking towards the old town's center.


Here you can take a look at the Christmas lights on the main square.


The Street sweeper was doing his job on this blue morning, while a swarm of small, yellow lamps was glittering above his head.


Soon the man walked across the square ...


... and continued the cleaning operation in front of another building, the small church with a pretty large name - Church of Our Lady of Good Health.


At this point, the sky and the overall atmosphere, have changed from blue to dull & gray. The street lamps and the seasonal decorations were fortunately still on, so the Christmas spirit hasn't left the place completely.


I continued walking through the narrow side streets around the square ...


... in search of more vistas and compositions before the street lights disappear.


When I decided to photograph this scene, a street lamp and some small but lovely pieces of festive decoration were shining inside the frame, just behind the traffic signs, but when I pushed the shutter button, the shiny stuff disappeared leaving me with the pretty dull shot.


As the dawn was evolving into a proper early morning, more people started to appear on foggy streets. When I say more, I mean just a few more. Barely more than one.


It was time to take a couple of paparazzi shots.


At one point a yellow car entered the scene and added a bit of shine and color to the picture.


These humid winter days are relatively warm, so it's possible to encounter some insects out in the open from time to time. This grasshopper was climbing the facade of one of the houses along the road that leads from the old center to the pond and the fields at the edge of town.


A couple of houses further, I found a small snail on the facade.


Here you can take a look down one of the narrow streets that lead to the sea. I didn't take that one but continued straight ...


... passed by some garden walls and trees ...


... and soon ...


... I reached the pond.


The white ducks ...


... and the old white goose that is here since ... I don't know ... can't remember ... it seems like the goose was always here ...


... those ducks and the goose looked great in today's dark & gloomy atmosphere.


The ducks were busy searching for food in the shallows.


The goose was swimming around them, and at moments it looked like the big old bird is watching over the smaller ducks.


I didn't photograph only the birds here on the pond.


The weeping willows also looked great ...


... so I spent some time with these beautiful trees.


I took quite a few photographs and then, an hour later, when I returned home ...


... and sat in front of the PC screen ready to work on the photographs for this post ...


... I took some of those weeping willow shots and started playing with some options in Photoshop.


After some experimentation, I came to this simple but effective edit ...


... and I was very satisfied with the poetic, dreamlike atmosphere.


It looks like I entered some kind of paralleled dimension or some other strange version of reality on my walk around the pond.


With this shot, things have returned to relative normality.


In this shot, each duck is in its own pose, and the poses look like sequences that show the movement of a duck in search of food under the surface. Since the ducks look practically the same, the photograph ended up being considerably more interesting and funny than I expected.


At one point the birds formed a very photogenic diagonal line across the pond.


I took one more shot with the same trio of ducks ...


... passed by the weeping willows and walked back home.



Early morning mist adds a special touch 😁 Loved these photos!

Looks like you got a good walk in the fog I love the mood it gives a sense of mystery

Those edits in photoshop give such a surreal feel

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Director Nikita Mikhalkov (he won an Oscar for the film Burnt by the Sun) filmed Russian classics. And in such films, he filmed the most powerful scenes near the rivers, precisely in the period before dawn! They had only 15 minutes for such a shooting, then the magic disappeared - the sun rose.

I saw Burnt by the sun about ten years ago when I found it on YouTube. Later disappeared. Great movie. Yes, the morning magic doesn't last long. For some really great cinema photography, it takes that time and dedication. Studio and CGI stuff it's interesting in its own way, but nothing like real-world photography.

Funny how the birds made the line across the pond. That goose looks old...

Yes, it's at least 15 years old. Or 20. Maybe even more. Can't imagine the pond without that bird. I don't know how long geese normally live, actually.

My mom had geese and they lived something over 20 years. I think they can live longer.

Cool :) The longer the better.

Awesome as always

Thanks 🙂

Great photos! The fog can really make for some great shots - when its not so dense that you can't see anything that is.

The weeping willows around the pond are quite spooky looking.

Yes, a bit of fog is great for photography. Creates a beautiful background for various stuff, especially the barren trees.

I am loving this fog.

I love every picture

The ducks made me smile but the willow trees are something else. ♥️

The morning city looks so beautiful. Slight fog seems to reduce the intensity of light. The city looks so beautiful.

looks like a dead city and looks haunted

True 🙂 It's a bit desolate in winter.

Darkness and fog are quite compatible, I think the fog dragged the mystery with it.

Your photos are very complete, until there are snails.

Morning feg sometimes is actually frustrating for me though.