Wednesday Walk through Birchinlee (Tin Town)

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

After walking around part of the Ladybower Reservoir in Derbyshire, UK we then walked through the old village of Birchinlee nicknamed "Tin Town", situated next to the reservoir.

Birchinlee was temporary accommodation erected for the workers and their families who built the Derwent and Howden Dams between 1902 and 1916. It was nicknamed "Tin Town" as the houses, village hall, hospital, school etc were all made out of corrugated iron. Once the dams were built, the village was dismantled and sold off. A couple of buildings were moved to nearby villages.

Some time ago, miniature tin houses appeared as a way of remembering the workers and their families.

There was a Birchinlee plaque to mark where the old village ended and a few information boards. There are supposed to be the odd remnant of the old village left. Unfortunately, we didn't come across any of them this time. It might be worth a revisit to find them.

#wednesdaywalk initiated by @tattoodjay.


Lots of history and stories from the past there.

I'm glad they've acknowledged it with the little tin houses. 🙂